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Keep the active annotation layer active after sync.
We use annotation layers in our choir: one for each voice.
Members can select 'their' layer with a two-finger-touch.
During sync, this setting is overwritten by the active/visible layer of the source, even when there was nog change.
This means that 3/4 of the members must re-select their voice in each file they open.
They don't like that.

Is there a way to keep the active layer active (and keeping the annotation-sync On)? When not, please add it.

The layer visibility is synchronized because I used to get many complaints when it wasn't, because users would sync their library between devices and the visibility for the layers was not updated appropriately. I understand that in your case, you don't want this. So the only way to make everyone happy is to have it as an additional option during the library synchronization. I'm going to try to focus on the library sync feature in one of the next updates, but I can't work on this right away.

Hi Mike,

I fully understand.
That option would be great!


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