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Saving a backup via System File Browser
Simple to demonstrate, but inexplicable.

MobileSheets Settings->Backup and Restore->Backup Library:Select a backup destination(and again):System File Browser

Instead of showing the System File Browser, it shows the Downloads folder on the local device with no way to get back to the root view. Specifically I store the backups on an SMB share that always appears on the standard browser (which thankfully does appear when doing a Restore).

This is a Lenovo Chromebook 100e 2nd gen
I'm not sure what you are asking for here - the system file browser is Google's file picker. I don't have control over how that works. On my device, I bring that up, it takes a second to load everything, then I can tap the three lines at the top left and access any storage or apps on the device I want to that support Google's file picker. I can navigate through the internal storage and an SD card by picking those. You would have to use an app that supports saving a file through SMB for it to show up as an option. 

At some point I'm going to add SMB support in the internal file browser - I just haven't had time to work on that.

Mike, what you are saying does not match what I am seeing. Here's what I see in the Restore dialog:

Let me be clear: that is the only System file browser arrangement I have ever seen. It shows the same when attaching files to the forum system:

Now backup dialog:
A full screen arrangement that has no hierarchy on the left.

Via the 3 bars in the left corner:
Completely different arrangement on the left. Cannot expand My files, Google Drive. 5tb and Trash, missing.

Are you absolutely sure you are requesting the System file browser in exactly the same? Are you equally sure there is no default option for Save that you could override but do not? Google APIs can usually be counted on for consistency and completeness, so I am deeply puzzled.

Yes, the workaround is to move the Backup file to 5tb after creating it. Still, everyone doing it this way for the rest of my time seems unnecessary.
I use the pretty standard approach to invoking the storage access framework to pick a destination to save a file:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, defaultName);
startActivityForResult(intent, code);

It works perfectly fine for local destinations, but the result can be completely different on devices from different manufacturers (and across OS versions). I don't have control over how the storage access framework functions or how the UI appears. Applications on the device have to act as content providers for the ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT intent in order to show up as an option. By comparison, when selecting a file for restore, I can use Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT which is more widely supported across apps.


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