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A packet is just like in the real world. A grouped set of files.
I this case a single file with bookmarks for each song.
Please try to hear me. I am a windows user dating back to v3. I have more than 20 years in IT.
I have the ability to Split and to combine PDF's. Please drop this. It is not the point.
To point of this thread which exist under Feature Suggestions Forum is to ask for a new Mobile Sheets feature.
One that exists for in the IPad software used by many in our Choir(Meaning it is doable).
The Feature is to be able to import the existing bookmarks in a PDF.
Each "Song" would be taken to be starting from the PDF Bookmark up until the next Bookmark in the file.
I have asked before but I will again. If you don't have anything to add regarding the implementation of this feature, please don't muddy this thread up with things that have already been stated.
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(09-30-2014, 03:27 AM)pspeth Wrote: A packet is just like in the real world. A grouped set of files.
I this case a single file with bookmarks for each song.
OK - not quite how I would understand the definition of a 'packet', but I understand you now.
(09-30-2014, 03:27 AM)pspeth Wrote: Please try to hear me. I am a windows user dating back to v3. I have more than 20 years in IT.
Just for the record, my first computer was a KIM 1 . I'll let you work out how many years that equates to
(09-30-2014, 03:27 AM)pspeth Wrote: I have the ability to Split and to combine PDF's. Please drop this. It is not the point.
To point of this thread which exist under Feature Suggestions Forum is to ask for a new Mobile Sheets feature.
The point is that you have asked for something that is not currently implemented and - as I understand from Mike's post - is not likely to happen any time soon, even in v5.
Seems to me you have made the request, it's been answered and now you have to find a way around the problem.
(09-30-2014, 03:27 AM)pspeth Wrote: please don't muddy this thread up with things that have already been stated.
To be honest, that sounds a little like the pot calling the kettle black  . You had your answer on the first page, but persist in pursuing the dream.
However, I agree, it's gone far enough and I will drop the subject.
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Sorry to resurrect this, and I do not mean to invite more arguments, but is importing PDF bookmarks now available in Mobilesheets Pro. I cannot see direct reference to it in it's manual.
With a PDF I find it very quick to create bookmarks for each (multi page or single) on computer. Saving then importing into Mobile sheets would work very well, and many of my PDFs are already sent to me this way. Ancillary tags could be done later if needed.
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I would be interested to know if there are any updates on this topic.
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Part of the switch to the new PDF library that I'm using is that I have easy access to the bookmarks in PDFs. I've really had my hands full with my day job and trying to get the printing/exporting features finished, so I haven't been able to add this yet. Sorry for the delay.
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(08-09-2015, 02:02 AM)Zuberman Wrote: Part of the switch to the new PDF library that I'm using is that I have easy access to the bookmarks in PDFs. I've really had my hands full with my day job and trying to get the printing/exporting features finished, so I haven't been able to add this yet. Sorry for the delay.
I look forward to this feature to simply locate the partitions of a pdf file from its bookmarks
I hardly no need to create bookmarks MobileSheets to control complex page turning, my page turner PageFlip makes enough the matter
I was interested in MobileSheets primarily for its quickly page changing and resizing to fulfill optimally screen size...
EBookDroid application is full of good features but is not that fast as your's
but I've been a little disappointed after my purchase when I realized that this feature (navigating with pdf bookmarks) was not present as in any basic pdf reader
I must also say that I am a music teacher (since 1974) and that I have accumulated thousands of compositions, adaptations, teaching materials that I gathered in pdf books I patiently indexed .. . I do not want to start all over
thank you in advance for adding a navigation feature from original PDF bookmarks
(sorry for my broken English  )
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(07-22-2014, 06:09 AM)Zuberman Wrote: narmani,
The way MobileSheets is currently designed, I really can't treat a bookmark as a song, because a bookmark doesn't tell you how many pages the song should be. I'm adding in version 5.0.0 a "snippet" feature which lets you cut out a portion of a song to create another song really quickly. So if you added a song with a 500 page pdf, you could open the song, and then use the snippet feature to just type in a name and a page range, and it would create a new song using that. You could repeat this multiple times to split up the PDF quickly. This is really just a more convenient way to use the copy/paste method that currently exists.
I have not yet added support for importing PDF bookmarks, but this begs the question - if I just import PDF bookmarks as bookmarks in MobileSheets, this may not really meet everyone's needs. If I import PDF bookmarks to try and create songs out of them, how long do I make each song? Do I just assume that the pages between each bookmark is how many pages that song should be?
There is another option that I haven't really thought too much about yet. The current model for a bookmark is just a named link to a page in a song. If I did away with this model, and instead treated a bookmark as an independent song with all the properties of its parent, but a different title, and a different page range (I would have to enforce page ranges for bookmarks), then I could support what you are describing. The only difference between a bookmark and a regular song would be that there is a flag in the database that specifies that the bookmark is a child song of another song. From a user interface perspective, there would a lot of little things I would have to add code for all over the place though... Because of this, I would prefer just finding a way to make the current architecture work by creating songs out of PDF bookmarks if that works for you. I'm definitely open to thoughts and suggestions about this issue, and how people would like things to work.
Mike, Thanks for approving my forum membership request.
What you describe above is very much what I need… to put it in your terms: snippets or ranged bookmarks that can be saved and referenced as songs in the Library. I have yet to try MS, but from what I read, you cannot currently save snippets this way; you need to enter them in each setlist you create. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Like narmani, I, too, use PDF music books that are over a thousand pages long, containing hundreds of songs (including the OCP Guitar Accompaniment Book, oddly enough). These are frequently protected PDF files which cannot be edited/printed/split. There may be hacks to get around modifying the files, but I would rather abide by the EULA to remain legally unambiguous. Also note that not all multi-song PDF books come with PDF bookmarks/TOCs.
The scheme that first comes to mind is more or less what you describe: If you treat the concept of a "song" to be fully independent of a "file", it works to simply define a "song" to be a snippet of a PDF file. A file could contain one to as many snippets/songs as you want. In the default single-song file case, the snippet would happen to point to the entire page range of a given file. It's fine to assert the restriction that snippets - and therefore songs - are always entirely contained within one file.
You can also do something similar to what the unrealbook app on the iPad does. It allows you to add single files from your library to your playlist (same as MS), and it also allows you to define "bookmarks" and store these as indexes (in separate lists) in its library. Unrealbook's bookmarks however are more akin to MS's snippets - they include not just a page destination, but a range (number of pages - actually optional). Snippets are actually more powerful because they are not strictly consecutive pages. MS seems to have most of the pieces in place to make this happen with only minor changes (easy for us users to say ). See the link below for details .
A key part of unrealbook's scheme is its capability to accept simple spreadsheets (.csv) entered by a user to create these indexes of bookmarks. Each row in these spreadsheets consists of a title (bookmark name), a PDF file name, and a page range (start, length). That's it. Furthermore, one can add entries to a spreadsheet incrementally over time and have unrealbook re-read the modified spreadsheet without creating duplicates of existing entries - I'm guessing that it simply overwrites previous entries with the same name - so one can build an index over time as needed. I.e., it's much easier to add 3 or 4 songs a week than to enter 800 songs in one shot (this is important for usability).
Yes, I like unrealbook a lot. I've used it regularly over the past several years. It's the main reason I own an iPad. But I also want a much bigger display than my iPad currently offers. I'm looking to MS, along with an Android emulator - at least until you have a native Windows version - to give me digital sheet music capability on my Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (MusicReader's UI just doesn't do it for me at the moment).
I hope these thoughts make sense. I hope that I'm not simply rehashing ideas you already have - or that if I am, that it is helping to reinforce your plans towards the right direction.
Thanks for listening.
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(11-04-2015, 05:20 PM)Serafin Wrote: What you describe above is very much what I need… to put it in your terms: snippets or ranged bookmarks that can be saved and referenced as songs in the Library. I have yet to try MS, but from what I read, you cannot currently save snippets this way; you need to enter them in each setlist you create. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I finally got the Android emulator and MS (trial) installed on my Surface Pro.
I guess you DO add snippets to the library. Cool beans! So you can ignore most of my long-winded post above.
I do want to see something akin to the snippet entry method I described above. Does such a capability already exist in MS?
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I'm working on adding support for index files (multiple formats including .csv) right now. I'm also going to add support for creating sections based off PDF bookmarks or table of contents.
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(11-05-2015, 05:37 PM)Zuberman Wrote: I'm working on adding support for index files (multiple formats including .csv) right now. I'm also going to add support for creating sections based off PDF bookmarks or table of contents.
Awesome. Very pleased with your app so far. It is faster and smoother on my Surface Pro 4 and has a nicer, more organized UI than the iPad app I'd been using. Now I just need to get AMIDuOS to crash less