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Foot Pedal Options
Hi, I'm new to this forum but I've been using MobileSheets for about a year now and I love it. I was using a Donner DMB-1 foot pedal that initially worked fine with my iPad 12 Pro but for some reason quite some time ago it will no longer flip entire pages, which is what I have the options set to do. Instead, it only flips half a page in either direction. I'm looking at replacing the pedal and although I did several searches in this forum I was able to find a topic that discusses which pedals work best iOS. So, hopefully I'm not asking a question that has already been asked. Would anyone be able to advise me on a footpedal for iOS please? Thanks!
That doesn't sound like a pedal issue at all. There are only a few possibilities that would result in half page turns:

1) You are using the vertical scrolling display mode and have selected the half page turn option in the display mode dialog
2) You are using the half page display mode
3) You are using the single page display mode in landscape with half page turns enabled

Watch this tutorial video (https://youtu.be/V_8GXnlNfm0) to see how to change display modes and access the display mode dialog I mentioned.

If you can't get the pedal to turn full pages after changing the display mode and/or settings, let me know.

(11-17-2024, 10:13 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: That doesn't sound like a pedal issue at all. There are only a few possibilities that would result in half page turns:

1) You are using the vertical scrolling display mode and have selected the half page turn option in the display mode dialog
2) You are using the half page display mode
3) You are using the single page display mode in landscape with half page turns enabled

Watch this tutorial video (https://youtu.be/V_8GXnlNfm0) to see how to change display modes and access the display mode dialog I mentioned.

If you can't get the pedal to turn full pages after changing the display mode and/or settings, let me know.


Thank you Mike, you were a tremendous help. The rotation mode on the iPad was locked, not allowing portrait orientation. Once I unlocked it, it now operates full page forward and backward. Thank you so much for the help.
Outside of that, is there a particular foot pedal that most people recommend just in case I decide to buy another?
Thank you again.

I'm glad my suggestions were somewhat helpful. There is a page for pedals here: https://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/pedals/

The AirTurn DUO 500 is a great choice, as is a PageFlip or Donner pedal.


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