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Long-Press Flags, with listing!
Hi, MobileSheets friends!  This feature request comes from needing a digital equivalent to sticking a sticky note as a flag while running/playing a piece, in order to come back and fix/work after.  I direct bands, and this is something we do ALL the time.  Anyone rehearsing ensembles would love this functionality. (Crucially, it also needs to sync/merge between two connected devices along with the annotation sync/merge that Mike is implementing sometime)

The functionality would be a LONG-PRESS that simply places a predetermined flag of some kind (I guess the shape, color, transparency could be adjustable.) No typing is necessary, and the action would NOT take you into annotation mode.  Crucially it would be ONE single action (long-press would be best, I think) that can be done while playing and advancing pages as normal, and you can have multiple flags per page.  Each flag pressed on then gets added to a flags listing, just like bookmarks, listed in page order.  After running the piece, the conductor/musician could pop up the listing and navigate back to the dropped flag, work/fix, then delete the flag.  (Bookmarks take way too much typing and pressing to accomplish while conducting/playing.. Plus you can only have one bookmark per page.)

I'd love to get some support to this, as it is the ONE thing we conductors can do with paper, that we can't do with digital.  Combined with annotation sync/merge for two connected tablets, well, it could be exactly what the busy ensemble director needs!

Let us know if you'd use this!  And thanks!

I can add that as a feature request for the future. The priority will be dictated somewhat by how many other users request it, so that I know how many users will benefit from it.

Would love to have it on the table...  Truly, it is the one thing that is REALLY needed by a conductor, that Mobilesheets cannot do.  Assuming that annotation sync is in the works via "connect two tablets," this addition would make an incredible workflow.

People... please comment here and support this feature!!  I can't be the only one that needs a fast and simple way to mark a trouble spot while performing/rehearsing.


I'd certainly use it. At the moment if I need to mark a point to look at later I just write something on the page then later I'll order the pieces by date modified and go through them to find which one was modified with an annotation. That only works when I'm not doing any other annotating but that's most of the time.
In case of necessary changes to a song I marked it with my
user-defined tab "Info+ToDo" with [.....to be processed].

This way I am able to select it and can do the changes afterwards .

But, especially when more changes occur to one or more songs it
could be helpful to have a flag(s). Would support this request.

Exclamation  No backup, no pity
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll have to figure which update to plan this for then.

+1. This feature would be quite helpful, it is always a pain to find that while live performances you find the same mistakes repeatedly...

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