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Bulk clearing of annotations
A band mate has bought MobileSheets and as he is not a techie whizz I offered to set up a copy for him. I used the Companion to strip out songs that weren't relevant and created a backup for him to install, then restored my original version back. That was pretty easy by ordering by collection and selecting the spare songs.

The one thing I couldn't achieve was cleaning up my annotations.

I am now on Android 15 and on the Samsung A9+ Tab the data area which I was able to poke around in appears to have been locked down so I can't see how to get to the database, update it and replace it (though when I hacked at the companion copy and cleared out all the Annotation tables, it didn't like it and lost the connection to the files, and that database is not copied back as far as I can tell).

So is there a way to remove annotations in bulk? (I'd also like to clear out the MIDI commands in bulk for another band mate who is teetering on the brink of purchasing).
You can go to Settings->Storage and enable "Expose Database". If you connect your PC to your tablet with a USB cable, you can access mobilesheets.db under /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files. Alternatively, you can change the storage location to something simple like /storage/emulated/0/MobileSheets, and then you can access the file in that directory without any restrictions from other applications. If you need help with the database queries to remove the annotations, let me know.

Got the database access, I had foolishly allowed Microsoft to link to the tablet over WiFi and Explorer was most reluctant to allow access to the old view. Deleted the device, switched off WiFI and Bluetooth and that seemed to force Microsoft to allow access to the internal storage view and the database.

If you could quickly say what tables need to be cleared down that would help.
Clear out AnnotationPoints, AnnotationsBase, DrawAnnotations, TextboxAnnotations, Layers and StampAnnotations.

Great, thanks.

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