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Dropbox integration
Hi Mike!

I think you mentioned once about integration with DropBox. Is that something you'll be considering at some point?

pleeez Big Grin
~got the blues in my shoes~
I mostly hang out here.
It absolutely is something I'm going to add. I'm not sure what all it entails though, as I have not used DropBox on my tablet, so I'm going to need to learn a little bit more about how they implemented it. They have an SDK for developers, so I'm hoping it will be relatively easy.
(04-20-2012, 12:14 PM)Zuberman Wrote: It absolutely is something I'm going to add ... so I'm hoping it will be relatively easy.
I use DropSync for a Lyrics app I use which has no Dropbox support as such. I have a folder on dropbox that Dropsync checks. I can do an edit or new song on computer or on a tablet, and everything updates. As soon as I open the Lyrics app, the changes are all there.

Currently I have MS using its internal storage so have not been able to test but I assume you might have to import any new songs added rather than it finding them automatically. Would this be true Mike?
That is true. I have not added any features to try to automatically sync based on a folder, and even if you used the SD card or removable storage, adding new files to that wouldn't be picked up automatically. I also prepend files with an identifier so that multiple songs can use files that might be named the same thing without clashing. If you maintained the correct file names, but a different version was updated through syncing with DropBox, this would be picked up automatically.
I couldn't find it explicitly anywhere, so wanted to note that you *can* add songs via DropBox.
The MobileSheets manual still isn't quite up to date with the software.
I have just added a *lot* of songs this way.
I have Mobilesheets 4.0.19

To add a song via Dropbox, create the song like you would normally,
e.g. "+" button on the main library screen. This will take you to the song editor.
On the song editor screen, see the buttons down the right side that control where the song image comes from.
Select the first one, looks like a stack of 2 photos.
In the resulting popup dialog "Select Picture" there are three options: Dropbox, Gallery, and (for me) Samsung Link.
Select Dropbox.
The next dialog shows the *image* files in the current folder of your dropbox account.
Note that PDFs are not shown by default.
Check the "Show all" checkbox at the bottom to see PDFs as well as image files
The other way to access dropbox is to click on the folder icon to enter the file browser, and then tap the dropbox icon at the top of the screen. This is the integrated Dropbox support, versus launching Dropbox externally.

I use both functions mentioned and they work great
[Image: SF%20Caricature%20Invoice%20Logo.jpg]
Professional Entertainer and Guitar Instructor
Using MobileSheets & Cicada PageFlip since 2010
Teach/Perform about 20 hours per week
is there a way to batch import from dropbox (incl all subfolders ofthe dropbox folder)?

found it. On the batch import there is a small 'dropbox' icon on th top right which when selected selects the dropbox. missed that at first.

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