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Head movements to turn page for organ players

this would be especially useful for organ players as they can't use a pedal to turn pages.
I know there is a Window app similar to MSPro where you can use head movements to turn pages.
Maybe opencv (opencv.org) could be handy for this?

What do you thinks?


Maybe this is useful: AirTurn (not affiliated) has tongue and bite switches.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
My Samsung P900 has settings that are used to detect whether or not you are looking at it - used to pause a video, or something along those lines.

Quite honestly, I've never even tried using them, but there might be something in there that would allow you to do what you require.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
(05-29-2015, 07:17 PM)sciurius Wrote: Maybe this is useful: AirTurn (not affiliated) has tongue and bite switches.

Interesting, indeed, but not practical here. Thanks
(05-29-2015, 08:59 PM)GraemeJ Wrote: My Samsung P900 has settings that are used to detect whether or not you are looking at it - used to pause a video, or something along those lines.  

Quite honestly, I've never even tried using them, but there might be something in there that would allow you to do what you require.

Yes, I remember that, but it is not very practical, and I doubt that it works with anything else than samsung's own apps. IRC turning your head away would stop 
the movie player and tilting your head down would scroll in the browser... But I'm not sure if this genrates a pagedown event that any app could receive.
Graeme, if you still have the stock rom on your Note, could you try if it works, please? 

Thanks a lot in advance,
Yes - it's stock.

I'll have a play with it later and let you know what I find. Never used it, so it's a new adventure for me as well Smile .

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
OK - had a look at this ..... forget it Smile . It's not going to be of any use at all (TBH, the whole face detection idea struck me as a bit OTT, which is why I never bothered turning it on to start with).

I doubt if there is a practical software solution and it's going to have t be some sort of hardware device. Not sure what - four manuals, swell and a full pedal board is a bit of a handful in which to throw another control element Sad .

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
I read up on OpenCV, and it looks like there are examples on how to detect head or eye movement. Might be a fun project to work on in the future, but due to the complexity, it will certainly have to wait for awhile.
Good luck with that!

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
(05-30-2015, 07:54 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I read up on OpenCV, and it looks like there are examples on how to detect head or eye movement.  Might be a fun project to work on in the future, but due to the complexity, it will certainly have to wait for awhile.

Do you have a link to these examples? Would be interesting to have a look at how they work. Smile
I found a lot of information in various places. Here are some things I found just looking around briefly:

If you can neither use your hands nor your feet to turn pages (as it is the case for organ players) you might find ideas if you look around what is offered for disabled persons.
http://www.pageflip.com/usesPedals.html mentions "sip-and-puff" and "Jelly Bean" pushbuttons that can be easily connected to a common bluetooth pedal
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

MSP primarily mimics paper, so who turned the pages before MSP?

OK - maybe I was a bit tongue in cheek with that comment, but we are talking about a very limited market here and I suspect there are improvements/changes, that would be far more universal in appeal.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
GraemeJMSP primarily mimics paper, so who turned the pages before MSP?

OK - maybe I was a bit tongue in cheek with that comment, but we are talking about a very limited market here and I suspect there are improvements/changes, that would be far more universal in appeal.

I would be happy to have a page turner solution without hands or feet. Head movement sounds like a promissing concept.
If you have an iPad, you can get an idea for how it works: (or doesn't) Piascore for iPad has the feature. In my experience, it is clumsy at best. It tends to assume your head turn meant to turn the page forwards even if you turned your head the other way. It is a good proof of concept, though. FWIW

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 with Tapatalk

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