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MobileSheetsPro 1.2.9 Released
Wanted to push out another round of bug fixes that have come up in the last week along with a few changes:
  • The file browser will now display more than 100 files at a time with Google Drive
  • Fixed bug where duplicate commands can be sent to a connected MIDI device
  • Reduced memory usage with MIDI connections
  • Changed reset button on text display settings dialog to reset settings to the defaults
  • Fixed issue with search text box where articles are ignored
  • Fixed bug with importing system exclusive MIDI commands from a .msf file
  • Fixed bug with transposing songs using a minor key
  • Fixed reported crashes
Mike; Just up graded to 1.2.9. Just getting ' Unfortunately MSP has stopped' message. Tried restarting the p900. no joy. Sent a crah report via the google system.
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
(12-01-2015, 06:16 AM)Zuberman Wrote: Wanted to push out another round of bug fixes that have come up in the last week along with a few changes:
  • The file browser will now display more than 100 files at a time with Google Drive
  • Fixed bug where duplicate commands can be sent to a connected MIDI device
  • Reduced memory usage with MIDI connections
  • Changed reset button on text display settings dialog to reset settings to the defaults
  • Fixed issue with search text box where articles are ignored
  • Fixed bug with importing system exclusive MIDI commands from a .msf file
  • Fixed bug with transposing songs using a minor key
  • Fixed reported crashes


after this update, I can't start MsPro. The only message is "MobilsheetsPro has stopped".
Using Samsung Note Pro (SM-P900) with Android 5.0.2
Same problem here. I cant launch my MSP after Last update.

Please Help me.

Samsung note pro p900 android 5
Please roll back!
SmarTab StreaMachine 13.3", Android 4.4.4
Samsung Galaxy Book 12, Windows 10
Samsung Note 20 Ultra 5G, Android 11
AirTurn PED
HELP!! Mobile Sheets crashes since today's update!! Samsung Galaxy note 12.2. Disaster. Need it for a concert tomorrow!!
(12-01-2015, 01:43 PM)Cellist Wrote: HELP!!  Mobile Sheets crashes since today's update!!  Samsung Galaxy note 12.2.  Disaster.  Need it for a concert tomorrow!!

Me too !   Sad
I'll get it fixed ASAP. The error is incredibly bizarre. I built the update with my laptop, so it must have introduced some kind of problem.
(12-01-2015, 03:34 PM)Zuberman Wrote: Smile Smile  Thanks Mike ! 

I'll get it fixed ASAP.  The error is incredibly bizarre. I built the update with my laptop, so it must have introduced some kind of problem.
This was a result of some bizarre build problem that mysteriously vanished when I cleaned out everything and created a fresh version. I'm pushing up the fixed version to the store now.
Very nice and quick reaction!
It is fixed! THANK YOU!!
Great ! It works again !

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