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Fakebook Indexes for CSV import
Great that CSV import is available now.
It would be great if we would share our index files to reduce everyone's effort.

I make a start with the "Firehouse Jazzband Fakebook"

edit :
Sorry, the link is wrong. Please use
instead. See my post dated 2016-01-12. Sorry for any inconvenience.

A fine collection of jazz tunes in a tablet friendly layout

Use at your own risk! I did NOT test it by now! Make backups before testing!

I had to rename the .csv to .csv.txt as the forum refused to upload it with .csv extension
And I also attached the .xls that was the basis for the csv export for reference and further editing.
Notes for the additional columns in the .xls:
"Index" is the index as listed in the fakebook's table of contents, in this case it's the song number
"PDFPage" is the song's first page in the PDF file
"PDFLastPage" is the song's last page in the PDF file
"(calc. LastPage)" and "(calc. PageOrder)" are intermediate, used to calculate PDFLastPage and PageOrder

This is a tricky example as the scanned PDF contains some songs with interchanged pages. This is corrected with PageOrder entries like "106,105". Respect and thanks to Mike that even this could be handled easily in MSP!

Attached Files
.xls   Firehouse Jazz Band - Commercial Dixieland Fake Book_archive.org_MSP.xls (Size: 123.5 KB / Downloads: 58)
.txt   Firehouse Jazz Band - Commercial Dixieland Fake Book_archive.org_MSP.csv.txt (Size: 18.06 KB / Downloads: 131)
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

A great initiative!

When importing such a fake book I feel a desparate need to be able to assign all the imported songs to a specific category, setlist and/or source.
Preferrably a separate database but that's being worked on...
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
On second thought, it is very easy to use the pagerange info from the csv to split the pdf into individual songs.
Mike: What is most efficient: A single big file and a lot of pageranges, or a lot of small pdf documents?
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
Great post. I was considering to open a thread myself or to revive the old discussion in

http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/forum/...p?tid=1936 with aspiers index project. So thanks for being quicker.

I suggest we could use this thread for questions, suggestions etc. as well.


what happens if a song/pdf is already imported and is now newly imported with a cvs?

For instance I already have the Firehouse Fake Book in MS and now I import it again for the single titles with itsme's cvs?

Is it possible to update already imported songs/single titles with an updated cvs and running the import again?
Will the old metadata be overwritten completely or is there (or will be) an option to update only empty fields? For instance when you added new metadata for composers in the cvs but the rest stays the same?

What happens if you happen to have double entries in multiple field names (for instance for composers and lyricist). Is there a conflict or does MS simple allow only one entry?

And once back to the delimiter question. I'm not sure if semicolons were actually the "preferered" delimiters for columns in our discussion. There was consent they are preferable to commas.

I've already written why I prefer tabs as column delimiters and semicolons for multiple items. Ultimately it's your choice which is most practicable to use and program. But I think one big concern should be, that one should be able to save a csv or text directly from Excel without the need to edit it again.

Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I don't see an option in Excel to save a semicolon delimited file (a tabbed one though).
@Sciurius: the list of supported meta data fields is here:
source types, collections and setlists are in the list
This is one of the reasons why I attached also the .xls file: you can easily  edit into it what you want and it allows some automated formatting for whatever you want to do with it.
Splitting the PDF is just one possibility. Splitting also leads to the task to rename the resulting files.
I import my xls indexes into a database. This allows searching for a specific song over all my fakebooks. And I export an xls containing only those fakebooks that are currently on my tablet.
I skipped the idea of importing all songs of all fakebooks into MSP. I leave the fakebooks intact as big PDFs, copy those fakeboks that seem useful to the tablet and import just those songs into MSP that I really plan to use.
I was not facing any performance issues so far with this method.
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

@BRX: Semicolons as delimiters was the result of the discussion and is implemented in 1.3.2
I already recommended in another post to use LibreOffice Calc. It allows selecting from a number of common delimiters. LibreOffice is free and runs as portable version from a USB stick.

Good idea to involve aspiers. We already discussed extending his collection with some more useful columns, now we should know which columns in what format are required.
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

I just sent a private message to aspiers
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

There are a few errors in the page ranges.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (F) has page 386A, this should be 558.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (Bb) has page 386B, this should be 559.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
Some strange things happen...

I've added some fields to the csv: collections, genres and source types. I then imported it into MSPro.
The (new) collection contains all the imported songs. Good.
When I select one of the imported songs from the songs list (long press), and press "edit song" I see the Fields tab, that has all the metadata except for collections. At the Files tab, the PDF and page range is shown.
Back to the main screen.
When I select the collection, and then select (long press) a song, and press "edit song" I see no files. At the Fields tab, there are no fields.

Exit MSPro, restart.
All songs are still there, but the collection is now empty.

Attached Files
.txt   firehouse_csv.txt (Size: 44.45 KB / Downloads: 22)
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
(01-07-2016, 05:02 AM)sciurius Wrote: There are a few errors in the page ranges.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (F) has page 386A, this should be 558.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (Bb) has page 386B, this should be 559.

you're right, thanks for letting me know
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

I've fixed the forum to allow csv files as attachments.

If you import from a csv, MS Pro won't know that you already have a song that is the same as the one in the csv. The titles may match, but that by itself is not enough to uniquely identify a song. The existing song will not be updated - a new song will be created. The import feature cannot be used to update existing entries in the library at the moment. If you import from a csv, select some songs, and later import the same csv and select different songs, they will all reuse the same file and recognize that nothing needs to be done as far as copying the file to the storage location.

If people want me to add a feature where csv files can be used to update metadata of existing songs, I can certainly look into doing that.

As far as "double entries", if you mean multiple values in one column, just delimit them with a | character. MobileSheetsPro accepts almost any delimiter now for columns (other than | ). It's automatically detected. Use tabs if you want and it should work. The only requirement is that the | must be used to delimit multiple values in one column.

Something definitely sounds wrong there. I'll look into it ASAP.

(01-07-2016, 04:46 PM)Zuberman Wrote: If you import from a csv, MS Pro won't know that you already have a song that is the same as the one in the csv. The titles may match, but that by itself is not enough to uniquely identify a song.  The existing song will not be updated - a new song will be created. The import feature cannot be used to update existing entries in the library at the moment. If you import from a csv, select some songs, and later import the same csv and select different songs, they will all reuse the same file and recognize that nothing needs to be done as far as copying the file to the storage location.

Valuably information. Thanks. I assumed so and expect it will be in the updated manual, but better to verify now.
I didn't expect the title alone to be the identifier but at least the title and the PDF source. As I understand if I import a csv again with same title and same pdf source a new song will be created for now, correct?

Quote:If people want me to add a feature where csv files can be used to update metadata of existing songs, I can certainly look into doing that.

You have my vote for an update feature in this case (same title/same source). I think it's too much to have an "intelligent" update feature with comparing fields. It should be sufficient if the old metadata is overwritten with the data of the update cvs.

Quote:As far as "double entries", if you mean multiple values in one column, just delimit them with a | character. MobileSheetsPro accepts almost any delimiter now for columns (other than | ). It's automatically detected. Use tabs if you want and it should work. The only requirement is that the | must be used to delimit multiple values in one column.
No, I was asking how MSP handles duplicate entries. Case in point: I differ between lyricist and composers while MSP only has one metadata field for composer. So for a cvs I have to join those fields and sometimes the lyricist is also composer or cocomposer. I wanted to know if it's a problem for MSP if I don't edit the duplicates manualley and there's a name twice and if it only creates one entry.
(01-07-2016, 05:02 AM)sciurius Wrote: There are a few errors in the page ranges.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (F) has page 386A, this should be 558.
Song I'm Gettin' Sentimental (Bb) has page 386B, this should be 559.

I haven't tried an import yet but had a look.

I wouldn't list the TOCs in the CSV but that's my personal preference.

You  only started with composer and year entries for the first two titles. Anyway the multiple composers haven't been delimited with | and the year is in the same column as composer.

I can and will contribute some CSVs to but will have to edit them some first.

What about a CVS for the CSVs?
(01-07-2016, 08:14 PM)BRX Wrote: You have my vote for an update feature in this case (same title/same source). I think it's too much to have an "intelligent" update feature with comparing fields. It should be sufficient if the old metadata is overwritten with the data of the update cvs.

FWIW, my MSPro-Tools on GitHub include get_meta and put_meta tools. Get_meta produces a JSON file that contains most of the metadata. You can modify it, and use put_meta to update the database.
You still have to (manually) transfer the database from the tablet to the PC and vice versa. And of course you risk losing everything Smile .

johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
I was irritated by the statement that it is the "FirehouseJazzbandFakebook" that loads so slowly as I can use it without problems. So I double-checked my post and this is what I found:
there is a huge number of files. The link in my post pointed to 
thefirehousejazzbandfakebook_text.pdf                          16-Jan-2013 22:53     64.0M
what I am using is a copy of
thefirehousejazzbandfakebook.pdf                               16-Jan-2013 13:04     102.4M
I don't know how archive.org creates the files they make available and what exactly is the difference to the _text.pdf. Maybe they run some kind of OCR over the scans which is confused by trying to recognise music scores. In fact something is wrong with thefirehousejazzbandfakebook_text.pdf it even takes a long time to open it on the PC.
Sorry, my fault. Please try again with the link
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de


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