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Mike, do you intend to support the irealpro format in future updates? (Only as viewer with transposition abilities of course)
Like the fakebook app. It also started to support onsong format with the last update (but I'm not that interested in that).
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Is the irealpro format specified somewhere? It it just text file based or is it a binary file? I can look into adding support if it would be useful to people. As far as the onsong format, it's similar to chord pro, so if enough people wanted support for this, I'm sure I could add it too.
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It's text file based (rather a kind of html). Sadly I couldn't find exact specifications, but maybe Sciurius can weigh in since he already tried to make an editor, see
I like irealpro fine but am a little disappointed in the development. Nothing compared to your continuing improvements and responsiveness, Mike, which are very much appreciated.
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iRealPro data is a proprietary format but it is not hard to descramble and interpret. The biggest technical complications (challenges) I encountered so far is that iRealPro is very flexible in what it produces and understands. But more important are legal issues. iRealPro will have to give permission but as far as I know they have never cooperated in making their data files accessible to other tools.
Generically speaking, it would be very nice if MSPro supported a "chords chart" format, similar to PlayTab or iRealPro. Forum member itsme is trying (with my cooperation) to shoehorn something into the ChordPro format.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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(01-08-2016, 07:20 PM)sciurius Wrote: But more important are legal issues. iRealPro will have to give permission but as far as I know they have never cooperated in making their data files accessible to other tools.
I agree there should be "legal safety".
But AFAIK there's no legal way for iRealPro to forbid using or programming tools to read and display the files. Especially because they have no rights to the contents of the files (the chords). Much like MS or Adobe can't forbid alternative viewers, converters or other programs using their formats like docx, pdf IRealPro shouldn't be able to forbid a viewer for the format.
Probably IRealPro even benefits from it bringing new customers since you can't create or edit the files or use the playback features.
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(01-08-2016, 10:09 PM)BRX Wrote: But AFAIK there's no legal way for iRealPro to forbid using or programming tools to read and display the files.
Yes, there is. If I'm well-informed, the DMCA forbids reverse engineering proprietary information.
Quote:Much like MS or Adobe can't forbid alternative viewers, converters or other programs using their formats like docx, pdf
PDF and DOCX are published standards.
Quote:Probably IRealPro even benefits from it bringing new customers since you can't create or edit the files or use the playback features.
Theoretically, true. In practice?
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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If MSP would support IRealPro files, I would buy IRealPro.
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One of the interesting aspects of iRealPro is that it comes with tenthousands of songs in all genres, and has a very lively user community. Since there is no copyright on chord sequences, users freely share all the songs they have and make. The software itself looks and feels outdated.
The only disadvantage of iRealPro is that is has a lousy built-in editor to create/maintain the songs. Also, it can only handle single page songs (48 bars, from the top off my head).
Nevertheless it is a nice tool to have.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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The iRealPro database is huge and its users are constantly adding stuff to it. I've managed to find some quite obscure music using iRealPro.
Personally, I use the iRealPro software to do any transposition required and then import it into MSP.
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How do you import it? Make a screenshot?
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You can export the chart as JPG.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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(01-09-2016, 07:33 AM)sciurius Wrote: You can export the chart as JPG.
Quite so - that's how I do it.
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Mike, I want to bring this thread to the front again.
While I would be delighted if MSP could support iRealPro and MuseScore files natively I'm aware there is only the slightest chance that you will be able to bring this into MSP in the future or at all because of the technical and legal difficulties.
But I've been thinking that there is another solution which is a bit of a compromise but nearly as good and with no legal and (I guess) little technical problems.
MSP already allows placeholder songs with no files associated. I suggest you allow to associate files to songs that aren't PDF and the likes, which can't processed by MSP, namely files like *.MCSZ (Musescore) *.html (exported iRealPro).
And when you start the song from the songlist, collection or setlist MSP works as launcher for the native program the files are associated with. After closing the external app it should return back to MSP (much like when you start a file from a file explorer like Solid Explorer or ES Explorer).
Initially I thought only about iRealPro and MuseScore. But of course this could be extended to other (for sheet viewing) useful file formats. If somebody has chord charts in spreadsheet format, it could be started and viewed with a spreadsheet app, same with Word-docs and other file formats I've seen chords and music in. If for example one prefers another app for ChordPro files, why not associate that, too.
I like that concept very much, since I can use MSP for organizing all sheetmusic files in all formats with the database but also use the native apps and their benefits (expecially transposing in iRealPro/MuseScore). Swapping sheets with other musicians could benefit, too.
Whatcha think Mike?
Any more supporters of this suggestion so Mike may push this more to the top of his endless todolist?
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In theory, yes. In practice?
For example, the viewer-app will not behave like MSPro. It will not respond to the pedals (and if it does it will not behave the way MSPro does it). Scores cannot be transposed, etc. Multiple tools may export to html, not just iRealPro. How do you keep track of whether to press the right pedal to advance, or to close the app?
Quite soon there will be hardly any added value (if any at all) over exporting the 'foreign' scores to PDF or bitmap.
It would be nice if Android provided some standard API to use an independent app as a viewer but AFAIK there is none.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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I disagree completely.
I seem to remember from your posts that you're coming from guitar and use pedals and chordpro heavily.
I personally don't have a use for those but wouldn't argue against your suggested implementations for pedals or chordpro files. Also you don't have to use the feature.
When I'm playing in (Jazz)Bands in most cases there is only 1 page (and no pedals for using MSP) needed. And it's immensely useful if a singer is joining and needs the song in another key to transpose it like in MS und IRP, even better launching that directly from MSP.
If you only play gigs you can prepare everything before, sure. That's not my point.