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Samsung Note Pro 12.2 with Lollipop?
who use  the Samsung  Note Pro 12.2. wifi (PM900) with lollipop?

Does it work fine?
Shoud i upgrade or or keep the Kitkat-version?

Thanks for your answers

No issues with lollipop on the PM900, both in- and outside of MSP.
I have 1800 songs in MSP, all works smoothly.
Bluetooth pedals as well? There were some issues if I recall correctly./
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
Pedal works well (Firefly).
who use the Samsung Note Pro 12.2. wifi (PM900) with lollipop?

Here a Note Pro 12.2 with Lollipop user. Everything works ok !
Which version of android, 5.0.2; 5.1.1?
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
Samsung Note Pro 12.2. wifi (PM900) with lollipop 5.0.2, no issues here, with BT pedal Firefly.
I have just inadvertently accepted OTA Lollipop (5.0.2) upgrade for my Note Pro 12.2 (PM900) currently running Kit-Kat. Before I install are there any other owners of the same tablet using Lollipop successfully with 'AirTurn DIGIT With ATFS-2 Pedals And Pedal Board' ?
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+, Android 13, MobileSheetsPro, MobileSheets Companion, Airturn ATFS-2 Bluetooth Dual Pedals, Clavinova CVP-709PE, Yamaha Genos
website: www.stevencole.uk
Providing you don't use a Korg PA with the midi linked Korg songbook. The Lollypop upgrade defeated that function for me, otherwise all works fine.
Thanks for your input maintech.

Further to my posting of 18th, after reading conflicting reports about this upgrade affecting some bluetooth pedals and contacting Samsung who just gave a stock answer 'we can never guarantee third party accessory or application compatibility' I went ahead with my gut feeling and performed the upgrade. The net result is the Note Pro 12.2 runs smoothly and the Airturn ATFS-2 (BT105) bluetooth pedals connect and work flawlessly from switch-on each time. I had to re-install MobileSheets Pro as the blue Import/Settings/Sync bar was missing but otherwise no issue with this application. For the record this was the UK Android 5.0.2 version, build no: LRX22G.P900XXU0BOI1, Knox 2.3 Dated 02Sep15.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+, Android 13, MobileSheetsPro, MobileSheets Companion, Airturn ATFS-2 Bluetooth Dual Pedals, Clavinova CVP-709PE, Yamaha Genos
website: www.stevencole.uk
I  have had the Lollipop OS rolled back to Kitkat OS, and my tablet, Korg keyboard songbook and cicada pedal are working fine. 
I have to refill in the midi number for each song, it seems the back-up I made did not include them (or they are removed when loading the back-up).
Locating a repository for the Kitkat 4.2 version was a challenge, but the tech I employed eventually located one and he reloaded my tablet. 
Other Galaxy Note owners have complained about battery endurance with the latest OS, perhaps Android and Samsung will get it right. (this reminds me of windows ME and Vista versus Win 2000!)
I have reported elswhere that if you use a Korg keyboard with the built-in musical database "Songbook' Lollipop will defeat the midilink. It took me some time to get mine rolled back to kitkat, but all's well now. Samsung was no help with this issue, but MSB Pro forum members were very supportive, as was Mike Z.

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