I faced a problem with colors of annotations which changes when choosing another annotation mode.
A bug or mishandling?
Device: Samsung Note 10.1
Android: 4.1.2
MobileSheet: 4.0.10
I will try to explain giving all steps to reproduce:
After opening a score I opened annotation mode clicking on the pencil in the lower right screen corner.
Color are set to
black: drawing mode and text mode
yellow: highlighting mode
Annotation mode set to pencil mode (upper left screen corner)
Now I draw several lines on the score; each new line lets the active input window grow (blue framed input area); lines appears in black color.
Now I choosed highlighting annotation mode and the black lines in the active input area changed to the predefined yellow color.
Clicking on the score a new input area is opened for highlighting while the old active input area (from the previous previous annotation mode line drawing) is closed.
When I change to text or draw mode again the color of the highlightings will change to text or draw color.
It seams that changing of annotation mode while an input area is active (blue framed), will change color of the content in this area to the color of the new annotation mode.
Bug, feature or mishandling?
nobody able to reproduce this?
There is another one:
Opened a score and activated annotation mode.
Freehand and text color: black
Highlight color: yellow
Choosed Highlight mode and made a highlighting; then choosed Select mode (Arrow) and tipped on the screen to close the open highlight frame.
Now choosed Freehand mode and made a single line; again choosing Select mode and tipping on screen to close the open free form frame.
Now selecting both annotations in Select mode and the black free form line changed to yellow.
The color setting in the tools bar changed for free form line changed from black to yellow also.
Doing it the opposite way (first making a black free form line and then a yellow highlighting) the yellow highlighting changes to black on selecting both annotations. In this case the color setting for highlighting does not change from yellow to black.
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05-04-2013, 02:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2013, 02:31 AM by Zubersoft.)
I haven't had a chance to look into this yet, but it definitely sounds like a bug. I try to maintain the color selections for each control mode independently (highlighting, drawing, text, etc), so it sounds like the code that switches the color selection is also switching the selected annotation color. Just for reference, if you want to change the color of an existing annotation, you can just select it, and then change the color selection at the bottom of the screen. The same logic that drives the color switching is being triggered when you switch control modes, so it should be easy to track and fix this bug.
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I cannot reproduce either of the problems you described. The colors at the bottom do change depending on what's selected, but that's as intended. The settings are saved per drawing mode, so if you go back to freeform or highlight, it remembers what you last had selected. When I select both annotations, neither changes color.
My problem is this:
When I made a highlighting and the choose the line mode the prior yellow highlighting changes its color to black (the selected line color).
(08-05-2013, 04:41 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I cannot reproduce either of the problems you described.
is there a way to show you what i mean?
I tried to make a video but I was not able to attach this to a forum posting.
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You can use a file sharing site to upload the video and then send me a link to that. I believe Google drive can be used to share a one time link with someone.
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I'll try to explain it...and the work around I've been using, since I thought it was working as intended.
Make a marking with either pencil, highlight or text.
While still active in that marking, click one of the other three.
The first marking will change to the default of the other.
This is most striking from pencil/text to highlight, or vice versa.
The work around is to use the arrow pointer between tools, and click somewhere where there aren't annotations.
This is similar to creating separate, consecutive drawings with highlighter or freeform.
Hope this helps clarify.
(11-02-2013, 02:16 AM)Zuberman Wrote: You can use a file sharing site to upload the video and then send me a link to that. I believe Google drive can be used to share a one time link with someone.
please download this avi:
I hope the quality is good enough to see what I mean.
First I started the annotations mode by tapping on the pencil in the lower right corner.
Highlight modus was active from a previous session.
Then made a yellow highlighting just below the song title.
Now I tapped on the pencil in the upper left corner. The highlighting changes color to that of the pencil (black).
(11-02-2013, 03:26 PM)concertmaster3 Wrote: I'll try to explain it...and the work around I've been using, since I thought it was working as intended.
Ok, you noticed the same behaviour as I.
I think, changing the annotations mode should close the previous edited annotation so that isn't changed by the modus change.
Quote:The work around is to use the arrow pointer between tools, and click somewhere where there aren't annotations.
I know about this workaround but did you ever think about it, when making some quick annotations on rehearsal.
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I've been doing this for a while, so it's engrained now. Partially because I often make sseveral pencil marks at a time, and want them to be separate entities rather than one. It would be helpful to have it close the previous mark though.
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Thanks for the information. I'm releasing an update today that will automatically deselect all annotations when switching tools.
Thanks, it's fixed now. It now works the way I expected.