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Active Link behaviour

When active links are used, MobileSheets does a brilliant job of keeping track of where I am by counting pedal presses and moving from link point to link point appropriately.

Although I am clearly shown where to PLAY FROM by the link point flashing, I can only know the correct PLAY TO point if I can remember the order of colours (which can change anyway if editing is done).

Could the counting (which MusicSheets obviously does in the background) be signified on the appropriate PLAY TO link point in sequence as the music progresses instead of using different colours?

To clarify:

When the music is first displayed all link points could be the same colour and transparent except the first PLAY TO link point which alone would be opaque.  Then as the music reading progresses, the performer keeps going until he/she reaches the only opaque link point where he hits the pedal.  Then the following happens:

1. The page changes if required (as it does now);
2. The PLAY FROM point flashes (as it does now);
3. The now redundant PLAY TO point goes transparent;
4. The next PLAY TO point turns opaque.

The performer now plays from the flashing link point until he/she reaches the only opaque link point... etc.

With complex repeats I believe this would be an enormous help.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.


I never felt the need for this but it doesn't seem like a bad idea. Perhaps links could change to this behaviour once Performance mode is activated and return to old style for editing?

Tablet: Surface Pro 8, 
Other: Strich BT-FP2, USB-MIDI connection to Kurzweil Forte 7
I'll have to think about this one for awhile. I currently only do the counting when a pedal is used. So I'll have to think about whether this behavior would only be present when using a pedal to advance through the link points, or if it would be applied when using a finger to tap them as well. I'd prefer to keep the behavior consistent even when a finger is used to progress through the link points, but I'm not sure everyone will want this, as making the next start link point (which you refer to as PLAY TO) opaque is certainly more distracting. The logic for rendering the link points gets more complex if I do it differently for pedals than other situations. I also wonder if I should provide an easy way to reset the progress through the link points for people who may be practicing something and won't necessarily hit every link point.

I'll probably have to make this behavior configurable to keep everyone happy, but I'd like to hear from more people before making any changes.

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