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Help on selecting capo
I have about 300 songs in my library, and most of them use a capo on a guitar.
So far I havent found a way to set ALL songs to use capo, transpose feature at once. 
I have to open each song, then go to "text display settings" and select the "eye" icon to show the capo.
Even though I select "apply to all files in library" , the next song I load I have to do the same thing alle over.

Isn't there a way to tell MSP that all my songs use a capo.

All files are .ChoPro , and the tag {capo:x} is used, which seems to be recognised by MSP, but I have to manually "turn it on"?
The reason I didn't include the capo setting with the "Apply to all" action is because I assumed most people wouldn't use the same exact capo for every song in their library. If I forced the same capo to be used for everything song, I assumed that would limit the usefulness of that option for most people. I'll have to change that "Apply to all" dialog to have a checkbox that says "Apply Capo".

I'm actually wondering if having a separate dialog that just controls the capo (with its own apply to button) would be a cleaner solution. That dropdown menu would have "Text Display Settings", "Set Capo", and "Edit File". The set capo dialog could then have a slider to set the capo value and the rest of the settings available on the "Capo Display Settings" dialog. I plan on making the slider larger with easy to tap buttons to move the capo up or down. I could also leave the capo display settings on a separate dialog that can be launched from the set capo dialog or from the dropdown menu. I'm open to feedback on what people think is best.

(01-26-2017, 04:22 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I'm actually wondering if having a separate dialog that just controls the capo (with its own apply to button) would be a cleaner solution. That dropdown menu would have "Text Display Settings", "Set Capo", and "Edit File".  The set capo dialog could then have a slider to set the capo value and the rest of the settings available on the  "Capo Display Settings" dialog.  I plan on making the slider larger with easy to tap buttons to move the capo up or down.  I could also leave the capo display settings on a separate dialog that can be launched from the set capo dialog or from the dropdown menu. I'm open to feedback on what people think is best.



thanks for the reply. At least I know now that its not a bug Smile.

I think you misunderstood my issue. It's not the Capo position, I agree that wouldn't be of great use. 
It's just the indicator "Eye Icon" , to indicate that capo is indeed on... The position I will still set with {capo:x} in the meta tags section of the song Smile
Oh, sorry, that sounds like an easy bug to fix. I'll just need to make sure the capo is enabled if it's populated with the {capo:x} tag.
Awesome Smile
Maybe I didn't pay attention, but I had no clue that the function "connect devices" was about to hit in this version. That is SO AWESOME!! been waiting for excatly that for sooooo long... Great work!!
I already tried it and it seems to works great, even starts scrolling with only very little lag, hardly noticable Smile

But.. still referring to my capo issues higher up in this thread I think theres still a bug, or maybe I'm just getting the use of the function wrong...

Here's my problem.
I play guitar and sing. From time to time I have a partner playing bass along side me. I have en additional tablet for him with just a 1:1 copy of everything I have.
I have a huge list of songs, all in ChoPro format with just plain text and Chords, all works great... capo, transposing etc.. resizing etc.
When I play with a bassplayer he wants all the "true" chords not the ones transposed for capo.
-> So I open the "text display settings" on his tablet
-> in the line that says Capo: I turn off the "eye" icon and the capo dissapears.
-> Then I select the button "Apply to all files in library"

Now I expected all the files on this tablet to be displayed in the "true" key withoput capo....but that doesnt do it?
I have to go trough each and every song in the library and turn off the capo.

What Am I doing wrong?

Thanks for a great great piece of softeare none the less Smile

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. The capo setting (including whether the capo is enabled) is not something that is applied when using the "Apply To" button. The reason is that you may want to update how the songs are displayed, as this is something common that most likely applies to every song in the library. While doing that though, you probably wouldn't want to have the capo value updated for every song, as every song probably has a different capo setting. Likewise, some songs may have the capo enabled, and other songs might not. So I chose not to apply the capo settings when using that feature, as I didn't think it made sense to do that. In your case, this obviously created a lot more work for you. If users think I should also apply the capo settings (or provide an option to apply capo settings on the popup), I could certainly change that.


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