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Link position

I have an problem with the link points. In some scores ist works fine, but in others it does not: if I reach a link point to go back in the song (like a "D. S. al Coda") it hops not exactly to this link point but a little bit after the point. So the point itself is not visible and I see the next line AFTER the correct one.

I use a Airturn Pedal to turn pages with the setting "to next link or next page" on my Samsung PM-900 with latest Mobilesheets Pro.

Do you have any ideas about this?

Thank you,

Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro SM-T900 | MobileSheets Pro 1.7.3

Your signature indicates you are running MobileSheetsPro v1.5.4. Is that truly the version you are running? The latest version is 1.7.2. I just want to ensure this problem hasn't been addressed by a later update before investigating this.

Oh - I am so sorry. I updated my signature now. While starting this thread I had v1.7.0. Now I updated to v1.7.3 but the problem is still the same.
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro SM-T900 | MobileSheets Pro 1.7.3

I'm struggling to reproduce this issue at the moment. Could you please export a song as a .msf file and send it to me at mike@zubersoft.com? To do this, go to the songs tab, find the song, long press it, then select "Share->Share as .msf". This will allow me to test with the same exact link points as you. It would also help to know what display and page scaling modes you are using, along with the orientation of your tablet. I just want to make sure I have the exact same configuration as you.

I just sent you an email.
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro SM-T900 | MobileSheets Pro 1.7.3
I've got a fix in place for this now for 1.7.5 thanks to SpeedPete's help.


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