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Select All Songs, without the floating toolbar

my library setting preference is to have the floating toolbar hidden, its sole use (for me) is the "select all" option.
Would it be possible to show a "select all" option as soon as a song is selected, even if the toolbar is hidden?
I can think of showing the same button that appears after a click on the toolbar, or an element in the menu.
This would be much quicker than going to settings, "Show Floating Toolbar", go back, select all songs, perform the desired action, and finally hide the toolbar again.
Do you want me to temporarily show the floating toolbar with the selection buttons? Or do you want extra menu options added to the overflow menu? Both have positives and negatives.
The temporary little toolbar with the two options (deselect and select all) would be perfect!
It would pop up each time a song is selected, and disappear again after the action with the selection.
Same behaviour as if the "regular" floating toolbar was shown permanently.
Thanks Mike!!!
As long as other users don't mind the floating toolbar being shown when songs are selected (even when the floating toolbar is set to be hidden in the settings), I can make that change. I'd hate to have to make another setting to control this behavior, so hopefully people are okay with this change not being configurable.
I am confident no one will mind the contextual little box (just the two icons, not the entire toolbar) when a song is selected via right mouse click.
On the contrary, the choice to select ALL songs when the user goes into selection mode (right mouse click) also when the floating toolbar is hidden seems to add value.
Thanks Mike!
The toolbar is now shown with the select none/select all buttons if you start selection mode even if the floating toolbar is set to be hidden.

Not in the collection tab for me.
The small select box does show for me when long pressing an item in the collection screen (android tablet)

However moving to another screen displays the larger floating toolbar - ideally, I would like the behaviour to revert to that before the display auto-popped i.e. only reshow floating toolbar if it was previously displayed before the long press.
  1. Looked in settings and saw that "Show Floating Toolbar" was ticked (I believe was previously unticked)
  2. Unticked it + Close (dialog)
  3. Floating Toolbar still showing (I was expecting it to disappear)
  4. Floating Toolbar still present when moving around
  5. Disabled again in Settings (+ Close)
  6. Long press on an item in Collection now no longer auto displays the small Select all/none box.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
I can't reproduce any of the problems you guys are seeing. It works in every tab for me and when I switch tabs, the toolbar is immediately hidden like I would expect. It is only visible after I've long pressed an entry to start selection mode. If I toggle the toolbar on, it is shown (although there does appear to be a bug after a certain combination where the icons aren't displayed correctly until you start/end selection mode again). If I toggle it back off, it's hidden when I'm back on the library screen. I have no idea why you would be seeing such different behavior. I'll keep testing on different devices to see if that's related.

Thanks for the reply Mike
Just tried it again and can't get the Select All/None box to display unless I enable the Floating Toolbar first (which I don't want).

Restarting the tablet has no effect i.e still no Select All/None box (on either Setlists or Collections tab) - But it did work when I first tried it!

Hope that helps

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
Nope, still doesn't work for me. In either tab. Android 7, Sony Xperia Z4.

Edit: Correction. After updating to 1.8.3 it works for me as supposed in all tabs. Nice.
I was going to ask you to check that for me - I'm glad it's working. Thanks!
Gladly. And it's actually 1.8.4 I was talking about.
All ok for me too now that I have updated *I was on 1.8.1)

Many thanks
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6

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