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backup file size
I was just backing up and copying to MSpro companion when I noticed a file size difference and a name difference. I have 560+ songs, average of 3 pages and the file was created as MobileSheetspro_2017-05-27.msb 34.39 MB whereas earliest file is MobileSheetsProBackup.msb 648.65 MB. I had just updated my copy of MobileSheets and realized that the original backup was 20 times larger!

Should I be concerned or does the new program do a better housekeeping job?
34.39 MB doesn't seem right unless most of your songs share a file. If you have 560+ individual files, then ~650MB seems more reasonable. You can look at the backup file in the companion app and extract all of the files if you want to try to identify if any are missing. If you have a second device, you can restore the backup file on that one and then using the "Find Missing Files" utility to see if any files are missing.

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