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BiLiPro pedal and AT&T Samsung Note 8.0 problem
I recently decided to switch from using an iPad and the BiLiPro page turner to a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0. When I plug in the BiLiPro to the Note via a usb otg cable, it will turn the page initially but if I let it sit it will stop working and not work again until I unplug it and plug it back in. After it is plugged in it will work for a short time then stop working until its unpluged and replugged in. I tried pluging in a usb keyboard and it seemed to continuously work using the arrow keys which I believe is what the bilipro emulates. Any ideas as to what would cause the bilipro to stop working. I never had a problem with it using my iPad so I'm thinking it may be something with the Note that is the problem but I don't know how to go about determining that for sure.
Have you tested the pedal with multiple apps? If every app behaves the same way, it most likely means the tablet is at fault...
The problem of Samsung note is due to wrong app. It requires multiple app to work. You need to install app for use.

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