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Last night my bassist found the Crop feature.
Is there a way to Auto-Crop and entire library that's already inside MSP?
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
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There is a way, but it's not very obvious. Use the following steps:
1) Create a setlist and add all songs to it - You can either create a new setlist on the setlists tab and tap the two arrows icon to add all songs or you can long press a song on the songs tab, tap the select all icon in the floating toolbar at the bottom right, tap the three dots at the top right and select "Create Setlist from Songs".
2) Load the setlist containing all songs
3) Tap to bring up the overflow, tap the display options icon at the bottom left (gallery icon), then tap "Crop".
4) In the cropping editor, tap the three dots at the top right and select "Auto-Crop all pages". This will take awhile if you have a lot of songs.
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Joined: Aug 2016
Perfect. Thanks Mike!
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
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With the latest version of Mobile Sheets, how do you uncropped all the song sheets in the Library. I tried creating a new setlist with all songs in it but cannot bring up the overflow toolbar in the all songs screen and if I go into a specific song in the set and reset the crop, it only reset it for that song. Is there a way to do it for all the songs in the setlist in one go.
Also, does removing the cropping in this setlist affect songs in other setlist that have the auto-crop enabled during the initial song Import, ie. can I have the main Library still have the cropped sheets while this new setlist with all the songs in it have the cropping removed.
I assume this process of cropping and un-cropping can be applied and remove ie. switched back and forth for all songs easily without any impact on the actual song sheet files in the storage area managed by the App.
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You are on the right track:
1) Create a setlist with every song in the entire library
2) Load that setlist
3) Tap the center of the screen to bring up the song overlay, tap the second icon at the bottom left, then Crop
4) Tap Settings in the action bar at the top
5) Change the "Crop" dropdown to "All Songs in Setlist"
6) Tap Clear at the top of the screen
7) Tap OK to save the changes
I believe that should clear the cropping for every song. If you run into issues with this, let me know. As far as your question, no, you can't have different croppings for different setlists. The song will look the same in every setlist. When I add song versioning, then it will be possible to have one cropped version and one uncropped version, and you will be able to choose which version to add to which setlist. This is planned for later this year.
As far as your last statement - yes, you can crop and clear the cropping as much as you want. It doesn't affect the underlying file.