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Import Settings Pop-up Window Size
My apologies if this has been covered already but I couldn’t find anything.
I have been working on and importing my PDF leadsheets into my MS database (340 so far!) and have noticed what appears to be a problem with the Imports Settings pop-up window when I am doing a local file import.
Because I wish to populate several fields before I do the import, I am entering data from the drop-down list I already created or create new information in the following fields in the Import Settings window:
Custom Group
The problem occurs most often when I populate the composer field with multiple entries, which I am doing for the lyricist as there is no separate field for this presently (hopefully in a future revision). In other words I am putting the composer AND the lyricist into the composer field as two separate entries.
If the entries are long (think “Words & Music” by several people or long names), the composer field expands and pushes the labels for the other fields beyond the left margin so they cannot be read. Therefore, I have to guess which field is which.
I can't seem to figure out a way to resize the window (which would be one solution) or keep it from happening except to enter the composer information last which works, but is a minor hassle.
I also don’t want to use one of the custom fields for the lyricist for several reasons.
While I am at it, I noticed that I cannot do multiple entries in the same field (like multiple keys or a composer & lyricist) using the MobileSheets Pro Companion as I can with the MobileSheets. I don’t know if that is by design, but it would be nice since THAT Import Settings pop-up window CAN be resized.
I have feeling that is because I can’t seem to find an option to create a NEW entry (for the drop-down lists) other than just entering it in the single field. However, that prevents multiple entries in the same field with MS Pro Companion which negates the advantage of the expandable Import Settings window.

I also noticed that not all of the Library Tabs are available in the Companion either. If possible, it would be nice if the Pro Companion mimicked MobileSheets in all editing and data management functions.

Other than these minor hiccups, I am DELIGHTED with MobileSheets!!

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!
Can you please take a screenshot of what you are seeing? I just entered extremely long names into the composers field (about 10 of them in a row) and the field just expanded vertically as would be expected, and once it reached the maximum height assigned to it, it becomes scrollable. I definitely do not see any content being pushed off the screen. You need to hit Enter after every entry to commit it. New entries will be created automatically in the library as needed once you save your changes. 

In the companion app, I can add multiple entries into the composers field (or any field) without any issue. I just type the name, hit enter, type the next name, hit enter, and so on, and it creates multiple entries in the field. 

I don't really use the dropdown myself, as it's slower than just typing in entries, but if you are encountering the issue with that, let me know the details for how I can reproduce the issue. 

To show additional fields in the companion application, right-click one of the column headers in the main list and click "Configure Columns". You can then add any additional columns you want to see. In the song editor, you can click "Configure Fields" at the bottom left and add additional fields you want to see as needed there. The fields configured in the song editor should drive the fields visible on the import dialog.

Sorry for the delay in responding.

The following screenshots are what I am seeing when I try and input two separate entries in the composer field as I am doing now so I can have separate entries for the composer & lyricist which I like to do for viewing purposes in the Library tab for Composer.

Once I make an entry and save it, regardless of whether I use the drop down or create a new entry and regardless on how I save it, when I attempt to add the second entry the entire contents of the Import Settings pop-up window shifts and the labels become unreadable.

While just typing in the info and hitting enter may work, when you already have multiple entries in the database like "Words & Music or just Music by W, X, Y and Z" and you want to enter "Words & Music by just W, X and Y", you have to type in almost the entire line to be sure you are getting the right names.

[Image: Untitled1.jpg]

[Image: Untitled2.jpg]

In addition as you can see from this screen shot, if I attempt adding the second entry via the drop down, I can't read those entries either.

[Image: Untitled3.jpg]

In the mean time I'll try what you suggested for the companion in regards to Library tabs.

I've found the issue and I have a fix in place now. Thanks!

Thank YOU!!

Despite being a relatively new user of MobileSheets, I appreciate the follow-ups and follow through!

BTW - How does one get that "fix"?
In regards to the companion app and the "fields/columns".

What I was referring to was the Library Tabs. I notice that "Bookmarks" is NOT an available Library tab in the companion while it is in regular MobileSheets.
The update will be released to Microsoft today, they will review it and within 2-3 business days it will be published to the Microsoft Store. Then if you have automatic updates enabled, the app on your device will automatically update, otherwise you can just go to the Microsoft Store and install the update manually after it is available.

What functionality would you want from having the bookmarks tab in the companion? That tab is mainly used in the tablet app for loading bookmarks, not managing them. While you can edit the names and pages for the bookmarks, I would think that would be a strange thing to do most of the time from that tab. It's usually a lot easier to edit the bookmarks while you are viewing the song. I could see it being a little useful to delete them from that tab I suppose.


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