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Mobile Sheets for iOS!
(10-16-2022, 12:39 AM)Elguano Wrote: I've been looking for a replacement for my stalwart Pixel Slate, which I think has been one of the best Mobilesheets viewers I've used.

The tl'dr is that if Mobilesheets was available on iOS, I'd pick up an iPad Pro 12.8 and Apple Pencil solely for Mobilesheets, and leave it on my piano 24/7. It would be my only iOS device, but I simply haven't found anything that fits the bill better - large screen, close to 3:4 aspect ratio, active stylus support.

What happened to your Pixel Slate? Any particular problem that you're looking for a replacement?
Slate has similar aspect ratio, active pen and Ipad's screen is not that bigger...
Our are you missing something from the Slate?
Just random hardware stuff (not related to MobileSheets). The battery seems to be disconnected internally so ChromeOS thinks it's only a plugged-in device, the lower half of the screen is cracked (everything still works), the stylus has non-rechargeable, non-standard batteries that have to be replaced every few months, and the stylus tip is worn and not very accurate, and it's harder to find replacements for everything since the hardware is deprecated. Also, I have a Disklavier and the Android app running through ChromeOS can't detect the piano's IP.

I'm just keeping "eventual upgrade" in mind, and for $400-700 I'm certainly not going to buy another Slate. If it's possible to find a cheapish 2-3 generation-old iPad Pro that I can run tethered, there seems to be nothing better. I'm not going to use it for anything other than running MobileSheets, so I don't expect to switch ecosystems.

I have a Samsung Tab S8 Ultra that I use now for a tablet, but it's so wide that in reality it's not much larger than the Slate in portrait mode. The iPad's squarish shape allows for larger rendering of most of my sheet music.
Please include me on the IOS Beta


I've Changed to iPad so several years ago, because most of the prof. software for livemusicians is iOS.
I used OnSong for some years, but changed to Songbook Plus some month ago, but both don't meet my expectations, so i continued searching, but just on iOS

I've read about Mobilesheets many times, but first now i took a closer look and tried it out on my 8 years old Lenovo - unbelievable. It work just fine and it's just what i just searched for, all the time.
It would be great, if i could be part of the Betatesting-Team.
No Question, that i also want to buy it or even sign an subscription if that would be the way.

Best regards
I'll be happy to get feedback from both existing users and new. I'll be posting an update in the next few days about the current status. 

My Chromebook dropped and the screen cracked. I needed a brighter screen, anyway. I bought an iPad Pro 12.9 and installed forScore but hate not having scrolling. No other iOS apps seem to support scrolling. 

I’ve used the CB/Android version of MS for several years, am a retired software engineer, serious bassoonist, and would love to be a beta tester!


Would be glad to beta test the iOS software. LMK.
I bought an iPad to control the keyboard while exiting. I bought the Songbook + software, unfortunately it does not communicate with my Tyros. I would  like to be tester of your software and of course. I would  also like to buy  it.

Well thank you.
Here's a quick update on the list of remaining tasks:

1) The song editor (including taking pictures with the camera, page order adjustments, rotation, etc)
2) The cropping editor
3) The text editor
4) Testing various chord pro and text files
5) Printing
6) Import/export all custom file formats (.mss, .msf)
7) Library backup/restore
8) Library sync functionality
9) Companion app connectivity
10) Importing through Google Drive and OneDrive (Dropbox is implemented and tested)
11) Metronome
12) Audio playback, tempo adjustment, pitch adjustment
13) Additional testing of the various display and page scaling modes
14) Night mode
15) Smart buttons and link points
16) Bookmarks
17) Checkout of all of settings on the settings screen (including all of the various screens and dialogs)
18) Saving/loading library filters
19) Group editor
20) Verify all screens work fine in both portrait and landscape on both iPad Pro and original iPad
21) Song Notes

Going to do all I can to get it wrapped up by the end of this week.

That's a lot of work for one developer. Exciting to see progress against the backlog. Thank you for all you do. Can't wait to experience the first viable IOS release.
One week for all that? You are a machine!
Complimenti! Coraggio, il traguardo è vicino. Buon lavoro.
As a happy user of the android version I switched to iOS a year ago. Total disappointment when could not find mobilesheets in the App Store. Finding this topic makes me exited. Can you please add me to the beta?
Certainly - I'll include as many people as I can for the beta.

While I was fairly close to getting things finished over the weekend, I wasn't quite able to wrap things up. I'm still working through a few issues with that I observed while running through various tests and trying to at least cover the majority of the commonly used settings/features with the companion app and sync library. Also, just to set the expectations properly - my goal is to get the beta out to get more people testing before fully testing every possible combination of settings. That way I can work through some more extensive tests while users report any issues that are found while using the app as they normally would. Users that are volunteering to beta test should be doing this with the expectation that there will be bugs, and that it should not be used in live performances or in a professional setting where the app crashing or not functionality properly could ruin a performance. 

When I was developing and demoing, the ‘rule’ was “Never demo something you haven’t tested!” Same for ‘using’ a beta version — don’t play with new features when it counts!

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