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Joined: Apr 2018
I have been using Bluetooth to sync my library between to laptops for months, and all of a sudden (since last update) I can't find the deceive via Bluetooth.
I have confirmed and connected the machines via Bluetooth outside of MS but for some reason NONE of the Bluetooth features in mobile sheets is working anymore.
Anyone else seeing issues?
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Joined: Jan 2019
Ich habe das selbe Problem mit zwei Win 10 Tablets unter Windows sind sie gekoppelt aber Mobilesheets kann keine Master und Slave Verbindung aufbauen. Ich kann nur über einen Wifi Hotspot verbinden der zwingend eine Internetverbindung erfordert sonst geht es auch nicht. Habe es mal mit einem Router versucht um ein Netzwerk aufzubauen aber wenn dieser keine Internetverbindung hat geht es auch nicht. so bleibt nur das Handy und die Hoffnung das man auch Netz hat. Der nächste Gig ist am Freitag und hoffe das sich bis dahin etwas getan hat. Grüße
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Joined: Apr 2018
I have confirmed that all my Bluetooth settings etc. are correct, in fact I can still send and receive files over Bluetooth (inside windows) but MS never sees the device when I search for it ???
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I have some fixes coming in the next update that should help with this. You might need to try connecting with your devices not paired (clear the pairing in the bluetooth settings) for them to be recognized by MobileSheets. The next update should address this.
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Joined: Oct 2020
Hi I've been using MS on my Windows Surface Pro with Air Turn BT 200 connected via bluetooth for over a year (off and on, as needed). This time, the Surface Pro connects to the BT 200 via bluetooth, but does not stay connected as soon as I open MS. The Air Turn is in Mode 3. I've unpaired, re-paired the Air Turn. I've uninstalled the MS LE Enuminator bluetooth driver, restarted and reinstalled the driver. this worked, but then MS was not accepting my commands for repeats/codas, etc. This all worked before. Any suggestions? many thanks,