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Overlay/Edit on Chromebook without touchscreen

I want to use MSP on an Acer Chromebook with no touchscreen. The installation and configuration went well but I just can't access the overlay to edit a song no matter what Overlay Toggle Mode I select. I also tried different settings of the mouse/touchpad with no avail.

Any help is much appreciated! 
Hello Yim,

If clicking the mouse in the center of the screen didn't bring up the overlay, there are a few things to check:

1) Go to Settings->Touch & Pedal Settings and uncheck "Enable USB Mouse Processing" if you want to use the mouse to just interact with things but not turn pages. 
2) If "Treat Mouse Click as Pedal Press" is checked, unchecked that as well
3) If neither of those are the problem, then you may have performance mode enabled. Tap the lock icon in the floating toolbar at the bottom right corner of the library screen to disable performance mode. Then you should be able to bring up the overlay.

Hi Mike, 

Perfect, that did the trick. Thank you for the help and the quick response!


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