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Batch delete?
I  have just returned to music after a long hiatus, and I find that in addition to having to remember how to play (memo to self:  guitar and mandolin are played with the string side out, away from body), I have to learn a new version of Mobile Sheets Pro on a new tablet. And there's the problem.

First, the manual leaves me confused, partly because when some function are first mentioned, there's not an illustration, or there appears to be a step missing somewhere. I've written documentation and I know how hard it is to return to the mindset of a novice user of software, so don't take this as a curmudgeonly complaint, just an observation. (It doesn't help that I just had my 7xth birthday and I'm feeling every one of those years.)

Second, I batch imported several hundred tunes into MSP -- twice, because after the first time, when I let the program put the tunes into internal storage, I decided that the database should be on the SD card. Unfortunately, I didn't tell the program to avoid duplicate tunes. So now I have two copies of each one.

I want to batch-delete one copy of each pair from the database. If there's a way, I can't find it.

Also, is there a way to undelete an accidentally-deleted tune, or must it be reimported?

The manual does need to be improved a fair amount. My plan is to write a new manual that relies more on images than text (which will also allow it to be translated into multiple languages without a huge fee).  I also want to produce a series of tutorial videos, but before I can do all that, I have promised features I must deliver.

To delete, you can long press a song on the songs tab to start selection, then tap each song you want to delete, then tap "Delete Songs" at the top of the screen. If using the companion application (https://www.zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/companion.html) you can ctrl + click each entry you want to delete then hit the delete key or right click and delete through the context menu. 

Another option (if you don't need to preserve the songs currently in your library) is to go to Settings->Other Settings->Clear Library, which will delete absolutely everything, then you can just reimport them with the correct storage location specified under Settings->Storage->Set MobileSheets Storage Location.

You can't undelete a song that has been deleted. You must reimport the song.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Manually selecting several hundred files for deletion is not fun. Fortunately, I had not yet loaded the other 4,500 files. I'll just clear the library and reload it -- after intense study of the manual.

Not being able to undo an inadvertent delete is a very good argument for maintaining a folder of files on another device. Even with a backup of the MSP database, sometimes it's just easier to start anew.

I am probably going to regret this, but when you rewrite the manual, if I still have enough energy and mind to handle the task, and if you want proofreading and grammar help, ask.  Before I retired, I taught in a Department of English in one the State of New York (SUNY) colleges.
Yes, I would recommend having your files backed up, or at the very least, creating frequent library backups under Settings->Backup and Restore->Backup Library. You can also use Sync Library->Sync to a cloud folder, and keep your library synchronized to the cloud in case you ever need to restore something (you can actually reverse changes this way by performing a one way merge from the cloud folder back to the device and changing the merge behavior to "prompt user for decision" so you can review each change). 

I will absolutely accept your offer to help, but I won't hold you to it. I have quite a lot I need to finish before I create the new manual. The reason I'm waiting is because some of the changes I'm making are pretty large. It doesn't make a lot of sense in my mind to finish the manual and then have significant changes to the application that requires big parts of the manual to be rewritten.

Sorry to jump on an older thread, hopefully someone can help. I searched but did not find an answer.

I want to start over with a clean slate and make sure that all previous material is removed from the tablet. I just did a clear library but the files app still shows the same amount of space used.

How can I make sure that everything pertaining to mobilesheets is erased?
Are you using an Android or Windows 10 device? If you are on Android, go to your tablet settings->Apps->MobileSheetsPro and tap the option to clear the data. That will wipe out all of the MobileSheetsPro files. This will not delete files in a custom storage location though - MobileSheetsPro will only delete those when you use the Clear Library feature.


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