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Turn page automatically with a mark on mp3 file
I use MobileSheetPro german version (updated). I play a song (mp3) with it and the notes are a PDF sheet. My question: is it possible to set points in MobileSheetPro which turn the page automatically during playback the song? It means the page should turn from page 1 to 2 after a certain time and from page 2 to 3 after another certain time and so on.
Sorry my bad english.
Thank you and best regards, Urs
At the moment, no, it is not possible trigger page turns at specific points in the audio file playback. This is something I plan on adding. I've gotten a fair number of requests for this functionality, so I'll plan on adding it after the annotations rework is finished.

Thank you for the info.
Best regards, Urs
If I recall correctly you already can sort of do an automatic scroll in connection with a mp3 for the time being.

You have to use the metronome (with the correct tempo to the song of course) and figure out the barnumbers which equal the turning point in the mp3 and put it in the metronome song settings. If you have mp3 and metronome start when you open the song you should have the turning/scrolling at the wanted times.

It's a bit tedious to set up with counting the bars so I haven't tried it and maybe that's why Mike didn't mention it. Also if you're playing live and the tempos are different each time
(or sadly aren't steady by the band) it's not so useful. But with a mp3 you should be able to work with it.
Thank you BRX, I will try this, until update. I think this would be a nice features to mark a trigger time to turn page.
Best regards, Urs

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