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new SD card on Oreo
Hi Mike,

this is a bit related to my more general question in https://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/forum...p?tid=5208 for which I haven't got an answer yet.

But I think this here is also a bug in the Android version, so:

I replaced my SD card in my Android phone (Sony XZ1 with Oreo) with a bigger one. I copied all data onto the new SD card.

When I start up MSP the old storage location isn't found (of course), and displays the message "Storage Location Inaccessible" with the text you know.

But I can't "select an action below". There is nothing displayed or something I can scroll to.

When I use the back button I've got the screen with an empty database. Now I wanted to change the storage location in the settings but I can't open the settings menu.
I can open the overflow menu but there's no action when I tap on Settings.

What's wrong here?
That's very strange, it sounds like something is definitely not working as intended. I just looked back at that code and realize that I no longer need to perform that check for access to the storage location. I used to only perform that check if Expose Database was enabled and an SD card was being used, as I needed to have access to the database file on the SD card. Now that I don't store the database on an SD card regardless of the expose database setting, I don't actually care whether it is accessible when the app is first loaded.


I can use the old SD card for now until you figure out what's going on here. But it's strange that I can't even open settings or is this indeed due to the missing storage location?
I do think the problem is related to the missing storage location. If you close that dialog the way you did, it's probably not finishing the library initialization, so things aren't being set up properly in the code. That's definitely a bug, but it won't be an issue after I remove the check altogether.

I can report that I now was able to set the new storage location on the new SD card with 2.5.1.

The database was messed up though and lost the paths to (relative) directories and couldn't find the files. I think that happened when I tried to change it 2.4.9 (and it didn't work).
I replaced the database with a backup and now it's working fine with the new location. Just FYI.
I'm happy to hear it's working properly for you now.

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