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MobileSheetsPro for E-Ink Devices now available
If I zoom in to 150%, enter the annotation mode, zoom out to 100% and then leave, it reverts to 150%, as expected. I'm not seeing the 100% zoom issue you described at the end. The annotation mode will always start at whatever zoom mode the main display has.

As far as whether or not this is correct behavior, I find it far worse to be zooming in to annotate, and when I leave the annotation mode, I stay zoomed in, so that I then have to zoom out to the level I previously had. If you have the page zoomed to a specific amount you like, you should still be able to zoom in while annotating to make precise edits without it messing up the zoom/pan positioning you had before entering that mode. That's just my opinion though. I'm going to need to hear more opinions on this before making any changes. If I must, I can make this configurable, but I'm only going to do that if I receive split feedback and there are requests for it to behave in both ways.

(02-02-2021, 10:02 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: If I zoom in to 150%, enter the annotation mode, zoom out to 100% and then leave, it reverts to 150%, as expected. I'm not seeing the 100% zoom issue you described at the end. The annotation mode will always start at whatever zoom mode the main display has.
Yeah, I'm not sure what I did earlier but it seems to behave like you describe now.  

I guess my main complaint is the change in pan coordinates going from being zoomed-in in view mode in a specific spot, to entering annotation mode, yes. the zoom level stays the same but the location has changed so I have to find the spot again.  
Once you implement the new touch options in the zoom/pan tool in annotation, I'll stay always in option 2 described in post #42 so I don't need to zoom before entering annot. mode.
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)
I tried to update to the latest version 3.0.6 but it failed. Where can I download the installation file? Or how can I update in another way? It does not offer to update again. I have Boox Max 2 Pro.
I have sent you a private message with the link.

(02-05-2021, 09:23 PM)dmg Wrote: Hello.
I tried to update to the latest version 3.0.6 but it failed. Where can I download the installation file? Or how can I update in another way? It does not offer to update again. I have Boox Max 2 Pro.
I also had this problem. You can delete the corrupted apk-file in Storage/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro (not 100 % shure about the location). After that the update is offered again.


A few months back I reported a problem when trying to change the music time stamp when working with buttons.  The new time doesn't stick and stays at zero.  
It looks like it was fixed a some point in the color Android version but it remains in the e-ink version (I'm running 3.0.6).
See video, no matter if I use the scrolling wheels or the keyboard ...

Time stamp in music track
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)

Both of my tablets have been updated to 3.08.  Thank you Mike for all the fixes and improvements !!

A few issues remain unsolved in the e-ink version that hopefully will be fixed soon.

1.- Cannot change the playing time stamp when using a button to play a song. (described in previous post)
2.- Pen button used as eraser only works when pen tool is selected.  Using it with other tools (stamp, highlighter, etc)  emulates the selected tool rather than behaving as eraser.  Reported earlier in post #44
3.- Issue with pan losing coordinates when entering annotation mode from a zoomed view position.

Thanks Mike
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)

1) I cannot reproduce what you have shown in your video. Can you please long press your song on the library screen, tap Share->Export as .msf and share the .msf with me at mike@zubersoft.com? I set up a song with two audio tracks, created two smart buttons (each button loading one of the audio tracks), assigned a start time, and every time I edit the smart button, I see the correct time specified.

2) I have a fix in place for this for the next update.

3) I'm going to change the behavior so that if high-quality zooming is enabled, the zoom is reset when leaving the annotations mode, but when high-quality zooming is disabled, the zoom that was used in the annotations mode will not be modified when returning to the normal display mode. This should feel a little more intuitive.

Today I changed the order of one page within a pdf with a pdf editor outside MSP.
I noticed that some annotations where now on another page, as expected because of the change in order. However, the annotations now don't respond to the erase tool ...
Is this normal?  How do I erase the annotations?
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)
That's very strange that they aren't responding to the eraser - I'll have to see if I can reproduce that. In the meantime, open the layer window, select the annotation and then tap the trash can icon to delete the annotations.
(02-22-2021, 11:07 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: That's very strange that they aren't responding to the eraser - I'll have to see if I can reproduce that. In the meantime, open the layer window, select the annotation and then tap the trash can icon to delete the annotations.

That worked but, yeah, neither the select nor the erase tool respond ...
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)
(02-22-2021, 11:15 AM)palosanto Wrote:
(02-22-2021, 11:07 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: That's very strange that they aren't responding to the eraser - I'll have to see if I can reproduce that. In the meantime, open the layer window, select the annotation and then tap the trash can icon to delete the annotations.

That worked but, yeah, neither the select nor the erase tool respond ...

Mike, further to this problem where apparently I couldn't select or delete annotations that used to belong to a different page, today I did a similar exercise of inserting a new page and obviously the existing annotations of the next existing page ended up in the new page which makes sense.  However, because of the different cropping in the new or old page, the reason I couldn't erase or select the existing annotations is because they were now moved/stretched, however the select/delete tool keeps wanting to select the old location of the annotation.  So if I select the now empty area where the annotation used to be, the shifted/stretched annotation gets selected.
Does this make sense? 
Not sure if this has an easy programming solution where the existing annotations are able to match the new cropping and stretching of the inserted page and can then easily be selected or deleted.
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)
The problem is that I currently save the dimensions of the page the annotations were created on as part of their data. This is important for a lot of the scaling calculations and rendering. If there is a mismatch between the page dimensions the annotations were created on and the current page dimensions, it's going to do some very unusual things. For PDFs and image files, I probably will just need to update the page dimensions stored in the database if the page order is changed. I'll make that change for the next update (but this won't fix the annotations that have already ended up in that state though).

(03-15-2021, 08:35 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: I'll make that change for the next update (but this won't fix the annotations that have already ended up in that state though).

Thanks. I understand.
Onyx Boox Max Lumi 13.3 -Android 10
Dell Latittude 5290 2-in1 (Win 11)
Donner BT pedal
Victoria, BC, Canada - PST (UTC-8)
(03-15-2021, 08:35 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: The problem is that I currently save the dimensions of the page the annotations were created on as part of their data. This is important for a lot of the scaling calculations and rendering. If there is a mismatch between the page dimensions the annotations were created on and the current page dimensions, it's going to do some very unusual things. For PDFs and image files, I probably will just need to update the page dimensions stored in the database if the page order is changed. I'll make that change for the next update (but this won't fix the annotations that have already ended up in that state though).

I'm experiencing inconsistencies with embedded pdf snippets too.
See the two captures attached. The pasted pdf snippet (which was randomly moved anyway, I don't know why) moves from one place to the other whenever MSPro is entering or leaving Annotation mode (see toolbar at the top).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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