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Link Song Position to Position in Audio file
Hi there, i'm a new User... 
Is it somehow possible to Link a Position in a Song to a Position in the attached Audio file?
For example: letter C in the Song starts at 3:45 in the Audio file.. would be great for practicing to jump to the right Position.
I believe another user has also asked for the ability to do this. What I plan on doing is adding an option for smart buttons so that they will skip to a specified position in the current audio track and optionally start the track if it is not already playing. Would that work for your needs?

Hi Mike! Oh Yeah. Thats exactly what i mean. This would bee great. Looking forward. Thank you.

Dear Mike,

thank you for implementing this feature in the latest update and i am sorry for the windows trouble in the last days  Sad

The smart button to song position works, but with a little bug for me:
if there is one audio file already connectet to the song then the smart button start does not work. I have to load a second audio file (or the same) and switch between those two during the smart button configuration. Then it woks perfectly. If you have time, mabe you could have a look.

Btw: Your doing a great job, the possibility to get in touch witch the developer and he is open minded for the wishes of the users is really awsome.

As a point for the Wishlist it would be great to have an even smaller (maybe half the Size) of the small size smart button. Because i place the buttons between the staffes and there is even the small one a little too big. And maybe the possibility to hide the buttons in case you do not need them without deleting them.

Thanks again.
I've fixed the issue with the button not working with a single audio file. If you edit the button and just tap OK, that will actually fix it. 

I think I'm going to change the whole design of the smart buttons in the future. I'm thinking of integrating them with the annotations functionality so that users can resize them, drag them around, style them, etc, in a similar way that you can with other annotations. That would make their presentation much more configurable and make it easier to position them.

Thank you. Works fine.

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