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Now my whole song list is one scroll ???

I have been fiddling around with this program trying to learn what I can do etc. Im not sure what I did but now one of my song lists is just one long scroll. Before it was just individual songs. Now, when a song has more than 1 page, when I go to scroll to next page, I can keep scrolling to the net song and next song etc. I really would like it back to where it was.
Any ideas on what I did and how to correct?

Hello Jim.

Are you using the automatic scrolling feature? If so, go into the scroll settings and you'll see a setting at the bottom to "Scroll continuously between songs". Uncheck that and the automatic scrolling will now stop at the end of each song. If that's not the issue, I'm going to need some additional information about how you are scrolling.

(06-03-2019, 05:19 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: Hello Jim.

Are you using the automatic scrolling feature? If so, go into the scroll settings and you'll see a setting at the bottom to "Scroll continuously between songs". Uncheck that and the automatic scrolling will now stop at the end of each song. If that's not the issue, I'm going to need some additional information about how you are scrolling.


Hello and thanks for commenting. I checked the settings and it was not checked. ???
Are you using the automatic scrolling feature? Are you loading a setlist or individual songs while using the "Automatically Load Next Song" setting? If you are you using a setlist, how many songs are in the setlist? Which scroll settings did you select? Just to verify, when you enable automatic scrolling, MobileSheetsPro will scroll through all of the songs without stopping?

(06-03-2019, 12:49 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: Are you using the automatic scrolling feature? Are you loading a setlist or individual songs while using the "Automatically Load Next Song" setting? If you are you using a setlist, how many songs are in the setlist? Which scroll settings did you select? Just to verify, when you enable automatic scrolling, MobileSheetsPro will scroll through all of the songs without stopping?


Hey Mike!

I do not believe I am using any of those features. I am using setlist just to separate the songs for the different practice groups I belong to. I checked and this does not happen under the "songs" tab, just the setlist. Also, I noticed that the slider is showing which leads me to believe it is seeing all my songs in the set list as one song.
Finally, I feel dumb but I cannot find the scrolling settings (?)


If you do not want the entire setlist loaded when you tap a song, go to Settings->Library Settings and uncheck "Always Load Whole Setlist". Then if you tap just a single song in the setlist, only that one song will be loaded. 

(06-04-2019, 07:47 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: Jim,

If you do not want the entire setlist loaded when you tap a song, go to Settings->Library Settings and uncheck "Always Load Whole Setlist". Then if you tap just a single song in the setlist, only that one song will be loaded. 


That did it! Thank you very much.


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