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MobileSheetsPro version 2.6.3-2.6.7 Release Notes
Over the last couple weeks, a number of updates were released for both MobileSheets (Windows 10) and MobileSheetsPro (Android). Due to some problems that occurred with the first few rounds of Windows 10 updates, I wasn't able to put together release notes on the forums. A number of important features were released with these updates such as support for right-to-left languages with chord pro files, a new clock display option, the ability to trigger audio and URLs with smart buttons and port filtering with MIDI messages when using the Google MIDI library. The full list of changes can be seen below:

MobileSheetsPro (Android) v2.6.7
  • Fixed issue with moving smart buttons where the title bar would vanish if "Always Show Title Bar" was enabled
  • Fixed issue with annotation undo/redo buttons not clearing after changing pages
  • Fixed bug where a repeated chord pro chorus would not show up correctly after the second instance
  • Improved handling of pedal presses when assigning pedal keys to actions
  • Fixed bug where the new smart button audio playback feature wouldn't work correctly in some situations
  • Fixed bug where smart buttons couldn't be triggered after being edited
  • Fixed crash when using Import->Local File/Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive to import more than ~2000 files at once
  • Fixed crash on devices running Android versions below 4.2
MobileSheetsPro (Android) v2.6.5
  • Added new option to display a clock on top of the score. Settings can be found below the crop option in the song overlay
  • Added new setting to control whether each word is capitalized when entering values for song fields
  • Added new setting to calculate setlist durations based upon the audio files used by the songs in the setlist
  • Added new settings to control both the source and display localizations for text and chord pro files
  • Added right-to-left language support for text and chord pro files. Toggle can be found in the text display settings.
  • Pinch zooming a text or chord pro file will now increase or decrease the text size instead of zooming
  • Added port filtering options when the MIDI library is set to Google. 
  • Added touch action to show the bookmarks window
  • Fixed bug with scrolling through all songs in a setlist that caused scrolling to stop after the first song
  • Fixed bug with changing text display settings that could cause the page not to refresh properly
  • The automatically load next song option now ignores the setting to load the last viewed page.
  • Added smart button action to trigger playback of a song's audio file at a specific start position.
  • Added smart button action to load a URL
  • Added button to test sending the active MIDI command when adding or editing MIDI commands
  • Fixed bug with synchronizing songs using blank files
  • Library tabs now indicate the number of filtered songs shown out of the total number of songs
  • Fixed bug where using the "Generate Song List" feature did not work for any group types other than setlists
  • Added stamps for bow up and bow down markings
  • Added new chord insertion mode to quickly enter chords in a chord pro file in rapid succession
  • Improved touch detection when stylus mode is enabled to properly ignore palms and other large touch surfaces
  • Added separate options when synchronizing libraries to control text display settings versus song display settings
  • The option to specify a title on the import settings dialog is now hidden when importing a chord pro file with a title in it if song metadata is configured to be populated from the chord pro directives
  • A new prompt is now shown when copying a song using a text or chord pro file to determine if a copy of the file should be created instead of using the original
  • Fixed bug with triggering link points with a pedal where turning pages backward would cause the first link point to be skipped
  • Fixed bug where exported PDF page sizes would be enlarged when drawing highlights behind afnnotations or exporting for ios compatibility
  • Added code to prevent print preview errors
  • Fixed bug with exporting text annotations that caused the fill color to be incorrect
  • Fixed rendering issue with annotations when cropping is applied and highlight annotations are drawn behind the page content
  • Fixed bug with setting the second half page position when using half page turns in landscape orientation with a page smaller than the screen
  • Fixed bug with songs being added to collections twice when importing a .msf file where the songs use the same collections as specified on the import settings dialog
  • Fixed bug with download status being shown incorrectly when downloading from OneDrive
  • The swap file dialog now displays the last modified timestamps of each file
  • Added support for searching based on file paths on the library screen.
  • Fixed bug when renaming a group in the group editor where the title wouldn't reflect the new name
  • Fixed bug in the group editor where songs are sorted incorrectly when adding songs while using the last modified sorting option
  • Fixed bug when exporting text or chord pro files where the wrong file extension would be specified
  • Fixed issue with clock display that would cause crashes on devices running Android 4.1 or lower
MobileSheets (Windows 10) v2.6.7
  • Fixed crash when connecting to Dropbox
  • Fixed bug where the new smart button audio playback feature wouldn't work correctly in some situations
  • Fixed bug where smart buttons couldn't be triggered after being edited
MobileSheets (Windows 10) v2.6.6
  • Fixed issue with querying disconnected bluetooth devices that could cause the library screen not to load
  • Fixed issue with repeated chorus sections not appearing correctly after the first
  • Fixed issue with linking to Genos devices
  • Fixed issue with the next song bar not working correctly on connected slave devices when using a temporary setlist
  • Fixed issue with moving smart buttons where the title bar would vanish if "Always Show Title Bar" was enabled
  • Fixed issues with sorting textboxes and arrows on the group editor screen
MobileSheets (Windows 10) v2.6.5
  • Added new option to display a clock on top of the score. Settings can be found below the crop option in the song overlay
  • Added new setting to calculate setlist durations based upon the audio files used by the songs in the setlist
  • Added new settings to control both the source and display localizations for text and chord pro files
  • Added right-to-left language support for text and chord pro files. Toggle can be found in the text display settings.
  • Pinch zooming a text or chord pro file will now increase or decrease the text size instead of zooming
  • Added MIDI port filtering selections
  • Added touch action to show the bookmarks window
  • Fixed bug with scrolling through all songs in a setlist that caused scrolling to stop after the first songw
  • Fixed bug with changing text display settings that could cause the page not to refresh properly
  • The automatically load next song option now ignores the setting to load the last viewed page.
  • Added smart button action to trigger playback of a song's audio file at a specific start position.
  • Added smart button action to load a URL
  • Additional keyboard commands have been added. Ctrl + F accesses the search field, enter loads a song if there is one result and the down arrow focuses the first entry in the list
  • Added button to test sending the active MIDI command when adding or editing MIDI commands
  • Fixed bug with synchronizing songs using blank files
  • Library tabs now indicate the number of filtered songs shown out of the total number of songs
  • Added stamps for bow up and bow down markings
  • Dragging and dropping audio files on songs on the library screen will edit the song and add the audio files on the audio tab
  • Added new chord insertion mode to quickly enter chords in a chord pro file in rapid succession
  • Added separate options when synchronizing libraries to control text display settings versus song display settings
  • The option to specify a title on the import settings dialog is now hidden when importing a chord pro file with a title in it if song metadata is configured to be populated from the chord pro directives
  • A new prompt is now shown when copying a song using a text or chord pro file to determine if a copy of the file should be created instead of using the original
  • Fixed bug with triggering link points with a pedal where turning pages backward would cause the first link point to be skipped
  • Fixed bug with setting the second half page position when using half page turns in landscape orientation with a page smaller than the screen
  • The swap file dialog now displays the last modified timestamps of each file
  • Added support for searching based on file paths on the library screen.
  • Improved performance when editing setlists. It is much faster now to add and reorder songs.
  • Fixed bug with stamp annotations not inverting colors correctly when night mode is enabled
  • Fixed bug when renaming a group in the group editor where the title wouldn't reflect the new name
  • Fixed bug in the group editor where songs are sorted incorrectly when adding songs while using the last modified sorting option
  • Fixed bug when exporting text or chord pro files where the wrong file extension would be specified
  • Added dedicated back button to the settings screen
  • The confirmation dialog when deleting a song now unchecks the options to delete files if a custom storage location is in use
  • Fixed issue with the popup notes dialog not handling long text well
  • Fixed memory leaks and added optimizations to improve performance
MobileSheets (Windows 10) v2.6.3
  • Fixed issue where swiping with a stylus was turning pages in the annotations editor when stylus mode is enabled. It now only works with touch input.
  • The advanced audio player will now correctly switch between speakers and headphones if the default audio output device is changed.
MobileSheetsPro Companion v2.8.4
  • Fixed bug where the file browser wouldn't work correctly if the last accessed path was no longer available
  • Fixed issue where batch importing would fail when attempting to rename a conflicting file
  • Added support for entering labels for MIDI commands to more easily identify them
  • Added support for right-to-left languages with text and chord pro files
  • Added support the new source and display localization settings for text and chord pro files
  • Updated database to match changes on Android and Windows 10
  • Fixed bug with copying songs using a text or chord pro file that caused the text display settings to be lost
I use mobile sheets pro on my fire tablet. I was hesitant to update my tablet recently but I did including mobile sheets the other day and every so often the entire program shuts down. It seems to be when I’m editting songs. But has me real freaked out it will go off during  a performance. If I delete it then reinstall will I lose all my edits. I do have a backup burn im afraid to go there unless i have too.
If you uninstall, it will delete your library. If you've created a library backup in MobileSheetsPro under Settings->Backup and Restore->Backup Library, then you should be perfectly safe if you do need to uninstall and reinstall. I will look to see if I've received any crash reports from a Kindle Fire that could explain the problems you are seeing.

I have looked through the crash reports, and I don't see anything relevant from a Kindle Fire device. Is the application closing immediately without even displaying a crash dialog? If so, it's most likely an issue with the PDF library. You can try changing this under Settings->Display Settings->Render Preference. See if the application works better for you with the "Speed" setting.

It was after I was working on it for several hours doing a lot of editing marking up the music and a couple times just completely closed. No reports just gone. It just never did that before and I just updated that day too so I didn’t know if something got screwy. Thanks.
hi - Setting the half-page positions so that I can turn half page at a time doesn't stick. Click icon at the bottom. It says scroll top half, then scroll bottom half but then nothing happens. The only option is to cancel out. It works during that session but if I leave the song the half page turns are in the middle of the stave again. Cheers, Igor
I have fixes for this coming as mentioned in the other thread you created.


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