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Cut Setlist to see the length of each set?
Hi people.

When playing a gig, there are two ways of building the setlist. 

1. To create a new set for each set (usually about 40 min) 
2. To create one big set with a dummy-Song in between the played sets (called "Pause)

When going with option 1, I cannot see in the later sets, which songs have already been played. 
Thats why I usually use option 2. BUT:
When building or rearranging the sets, I like to see the length of each set. When I work with one big set, I can only see the total length. 
Is there a way out of this struggle? It's real.  Undecided

Thanks a lot in advance!

If I'm understanding you correctly, the answer is probably no, not at the moment. Users have certainly asked for the ability to see the duration of sub-sections of a setlist, so it's on my list of things to do. I'm looking to start implementing features like this once the iOS version is completed. Perhaps other users can provide examples on how they've handled this with the existing feature set.

Thanks for the answer, mike. That's exactly what I meant. Thanks.

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