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iOS compatible PDF export crops the image wrong
at least on some files. I export with annotations and cropping. If iOS compatibility is set the page is cropped way too much (only about half of it remains). If iOS compatibility is not set pdf export works fine.... I already exporte quite some pdfs with that settting on and it worked fine. Must be a special case or due to some update lately...

The exported pdf is attached. Seems like a bug to me....
If you go to Settings->About, what version of MobileSheetsPro are you running? It doesn't appear the PDF was attached (size limit?). If you can email it to mike@zubersoft.com, I can look into this. It would help even more if you can long press the song on the library screen and select Share->Export as .msf. That .msf file would allow me to export the same exact song you are using, and you wouldn't need to send the .pdf file then.

As my friend with a MacBook tells me there is still some hiccup with this. Cropping seems ok now but annotations are nonetheless screwed - they are not in place...


Will translate to


There must be something amiss with the iOS compatibility...
There is a bug with in version 2.7.5 if you use the "Join files into one PDF" option. It will mess up the cropping coordinates for the pages and can even cause a crash. I have a fix in place and will release an update once I've addressed all of the bug reports from users. If you uncheck that option, it should work correctly. If that is not the case, let me know.


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