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MIDI Receive commands and triggers
This is a bit of a "Looking for details/am I just missing something" Multi part question on MIDI commands in MSP. 

1. Is there a way to have an incoming MIDI command trigger going to a specific page in a song, or even better a specific song and page in a setlist? I already have my setup triggering "Next Page" via MIDI from Ableton Live, but I would like to be able to set my Ableton trigger to always go to a specific page when executed.

2. This is a bit of a reverse option for above. I know I can program Smart Buttons to send MIDI commands, and then program a pedal or key to "Activate Next Smart Button" but is there a way I can program a pedal to advance through smart buttons then turn the page, and continue advancing through smart buttons. For example I have 10 patch changes on a page with a smart button for each change, can I click through each button then on the 11th click turn the page?

3. Is there a way to copy MIDI commands into new smart buttons, If I have the same patch recurring 10 times in a song It would be much easier to create a new smart button from an existing to not have to re-enter the same command info.

4. Is there a way to move a smart button after is has been placed? I have tried everything I can think of, I can resize it but once the button in on the page I can't figure out how to move it. 

It looks like I completely missed this post - I apologize. Did you get the answers to the questions you had asked or would you like me to provide answers now?

Hi Mike,

No worries, things have been crazy for me as well, even before the world went crazy. I never did get answers. If you have a minute to address them that would be awesome. 


1. Unfortunately, no, there isn't a direct way to have a MIDI command go to a specific page of a song. However, you can use MIDI commands to trigger smart buttons, so if you place a smart button in your score that is configured to go to a specific page of a song, you can then use the MIDI command to trigger that. Just set the MIDI action to "Activate Next Smart Button"

2. There is a pedal action for "Activate Next Smart Button", but this does not activate all the smart buttons on the current page and then advance to the next page. It just triggers smart buttons anywhere in the song in the order they were created. This is because I had a request to trigger smart buttons throughout the song instead of per page. I would need to add a new pedal action to "Activate Next Smart Button or Go to Next Page" similar to the action that exists for link points. If this is important for you, I can write up a feature request for this. The number of pedal actions is getting extremely long, so I may have to think of a better way of listing the supported pedal actions instead of a giant scrollable list. 

3. At the moment, no, you can't copy MIDI commands between smart buttons. Several users have asked for the ability to copy commands or create a list of favorites, so it's on my list of things to do. Based on the number of requests I'm getting for this, I'm going to have to raise the priority to get it done sooner.

4. Long press the smart button and it will let you reposition it

Hi Mike,

Just bringing back this suggestion, I'm extremely interested in option 2. above. My use case is in musical theatre, ideally using the one button to cycle through patches using smart buttons placed on the appropriate pages, and then turn the page once the buttons on the current page have been exhausted. Loading the next song can bring up the appropriate patch bank, as already exists. 

Hoping this is possible, more or less exactly as you've said above, being very similar to the "Active Next Smart Button or Go to Next Page". Dream level functionality! 

Thanks mate, can't wait to see all of this coming to iOS as well. Very exciting for the industry in my opinion.

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