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Turn Touch BLE integration
Hello!  I discovered MSP years ago, but only recently returned to piano and therefore MSP.  I am using a touchscreen monitor with a Windows 10 PC on my piano and it is fantastic for this use case!

I am old now and my eyes don't work like they used to, so having a 21" monitor helps me a lot.  It's in landscape mode and displays 2 pages typically.

Anyway, I purchased (without fully reading) a Turn Touch device (turntouch.com) to work with page turning.  It is BLE (Bluetooth 4.0 low energy) and works only with iOS and MacOS presently.  forScore has an integration for it, but that may only be because of the platform on which it runs.

I do not know if Windows supports this kind of device, but I did some light reading and saw that UWP apps might support BLE devices.

I'd like to submit as a feature request to investigate the idea of using a device like this as a page turner. 

I'd have to reach up to turn a page anyway - whether physical or with a gesture - so reaching up to hit a button (which I can place anywhere) seems to fit within that workflow.  I don't think a floor pedal turner would work for me.

Thanks for a great app and for your time!
It looks like it should (in theory) be possible to connect to the turn touch device and read the data. I just need to listen for the appropriate data over BLE as listed at the bottom of this page: https://shop.turntouch.com/pages/open-source

In order to test this, I would either need to work closely with a user who has a turn touch device or I'd have to order one myself. I can't dedicate time to this at the moment, as I'm trying to finish the annotations redesign, iOS version of MobileSheets and other high priority fixes. As soon as that work is done, I can certainly look into this.

Mike - I have one of these devices, and I'd be happy to test with you when the time is right.  Since you already have other methods for turning pages, this is certainly a low priority item.  I'll check back here from time to time to see if you've replied. 

Thanks!  And godspeed with your current work on this product!

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