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Dear all,
I'm new in this forum. I'm using MSP with my Yamaha Tyros4 and Genos. Some days ago I bought the new CME WIDI Master for bluetooth midi. Want to connect my Genos or Tyros4 via WIDI Master on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019) with Android 10. The paring works between Tyros/Genos and Galaxy Tab. Menu says WIDI Master is paired. In MSP i have configured Bluetooth but midi data does not exchange. If I connect with MIDI USB there will be a message "connected with YAMAHA Music Corporation..." during MSP start. But with bluetooth no message appears.
Is there anyone having the same situation? What do you think, could this be a problem within MSP or is it an android problem? Or is there any error from my side?
Thanks for your answer.
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Please try going to Settings->MIDI Settings->Configure MIDI Connections and switch from "Default" to "Google". Then select the input and output ports that show up. If nothing shows up, that's a bad sign and it means MobileSheetsPro can't detect any compatible MIDI devices over bluetooth.
As a side note, MIDI over bluetooth on Android is not well supported. I managed to get it to work with a KORG microKEY Air while testing, but had no luck getting my older keyboard to connect over WiFi when using a MIDI to bluetooth adapter.
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Hi Mike,
no it works! The trick is not to pair with androids bluetooth menu and not to pair with the bridging app MIDI-BLE. Just open MobileSheetsPro and configure Google bluetooth Midi. Then MobileSheetsPro searches the WIDI Master and connects to this automatically. After this I tried to open sheets via midi file from Tyros and it works.
Only one thing. If there is no activity for some time it seems that bluetooth midi goes to a sleep mode. Then the bluetooth midi doesn't work. I have to go in midi menu and doing the configuration new and then it works again. Do you know ist there a possibility to keep the connection awake?
It would be a great feature if it works. For a audience player it will be a great benefit to have less cables in the environment of the keyboard.
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I'm not really sure what the best way is to handle that, but I could send a periodic command every so often to try and keep the connection active. I'm not sure what the best MIDI command is to send though. One thing you can do is add a MIDI command to your song to send the timing message, which is sent repeatedly non-stop.
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A status Mike for the keep-connection-problem. In android I disabled all power optimization settings for bluetooth midi and now the bluetooth connection is stable. I will do some more tests but it looks good!
A short hint: in the keyboard midi settings I disabled as much as possible not used transmit data. In some cases there is so much traffic that MobileSheets does not recognize the necessary data.
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Excellent work! I'm glad you were able to find some settings you could adjust for that.
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Hi Mike,
want to give you a new status. At the moment I have to settings.
Setting 1 is using androids MobileSheetsPro with Samsung Tab A and a Yamaha Tyros4 with midi control file to select lead sheet via Registration.
Settting 2 is using androids MobileSheetsPro with Samsung Tab A and a Yamaha Genos with Genos connection String in MSP to select lead sheet via Registration.
In the last weeks I did a stress test with round about 90 lead sheets.
Setting 1: you wrote to me to use Googles library. I had to filter Midi Output settings so that only controller events and prog change events will be send. Then everything runs stable. If I start APP MSP will recognise CME WIDI Master connects the adapter and will do an automatic pairing of the adapter. Connection stays stable in all tested sitatuations and it runs perfectly.
Setting 2: I connect Genos registry with MSP leadsheet via link symbol. SysEx data received in MSP and I saved them. But with Googles bluetooth midi library the link function doesn't work. If I push a registry nothing will happen in MSP. If I choose "Voreinstellung" and bluetooth midi then it works 90% of time. Sometimes I have to select the song twice in Genos so that MSP chooses the lead sheet. And if I use "Voreinstellung" the WIDI Master will not connect automatically at startup. I have to do several steps so that "Voreinstellung" gets a stable connection. Most of the time I had to go in Midi configuration menu and choose "Voreinstellung" again. Then MSP says "CME WIDI Master connected". Indeed the WIDI Master ist connected but not paired. So I have to disconnect WIDI Master in Androids bluetooth menu. Then I switch in MSP to USB (only to unload bluetooth) and then back to Bluetooth again. Then after connect WIDI Master a pairing offer appears. If I confirm two times ok then the connection runs like the above mentioned sentence.
What do you think, is it possible to get the link functionallity with Googles library, too? Could it be that Googles library has a problem with SysEx data? I checked the entries in MSP an the SysExes seem to be ok because with USB or "Voreinstellung" it works fine.
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I'm really surprised that you weren't able to get the Genos link functionality working when using the Google MIDI library. The default bluetooth MIDI library works far less often for me. The Google MIDI library should work just fine with SysEx data, but I have to admit that I haven't tested that a lot over bluetooth. Bluetooth can't handle large data transfers very well, but a few short sys ex messages shouldn't be a problem. Does the Google MIDI library over bluetooth work for you with the Genos other than when using the link functionality? Or do you encounter errors with other messages as well?
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I think I do not 100% understand your question. If I use "Voreinstellung" with bluetooth midi it works perfectly. I disabled as much as possible midi commands so that only the relevant sysexes will be transferred. And if I controlled it via the internal midi monitor only the relevant Sysex will be transferred. But MobileSheetsPro doesn't react if I use Googles library. With "Voreinstellung" it works perfectly.
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got a Widi Master last week. The connection with MSPro via “Voereinstellung” does not work. A function is reached via "Google" after cumbersome settings, but the connection is not re-established when the device is switched on again. Does anyone have any idea how to get Widi Master to work satisfactorily? I am using an approx. 6 month old Tabled Samsung "Galaxy Tab S5e"
Greetings Achim!
habe letzte Woche einen Widi-Meister bekommen. Die Verbindung mit MSPro über die Voereinstellung funktioniert nicht. Eine Funktion wird nach umständlichen Einstellungen über "Google" erreicht, die Verbindung wird jedoch beim erneuten Einschalten des Gerätes nicht wiederhergestellt. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man Widi Master dazu bringt, zufriedenstellend zu arbeiten? Ich benutze eine ca. 6 Monate altes Tabled Samsung "Galaxy Tab S5e"
Grüße Achim!
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Did you make sure to repair in the bluetooth settings after the device is switch on to ensure the bluetooth connection is valid before starting MobileSheetsPro? I only have one bluetooth MIDI device I can test with and it seems to reconnect between sessions of MobileSheetsPro, but I don't often test with shutting the device down, turning it back on and then restablishing the connection. I can try to run some tests with this to see if I encounter any issues.
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When MSp is set up
Midi library: Google
Connection type: bluetooth
Midi input ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
Midi output ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
Everything works fine. Tabled on Off
MSP off. Everything works.
If the midi device (Korg X5DR) is switched off, the midi connections will still be activated when the device is switched on again
Midi library: Google
Connection type: bluetooth
Midi input ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
Midi output ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
is displayed, but there is no longer any function.
Function available again if the following settings
be made.
Connection type: Bluetooth back to USB and back to Bluetooth
Midi input ports: Widi Master (0)
Midi output ports: Widi Master (0)
connect again
Midi input ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
Midi output ports: Widi Master (0) (connected)
everything works.
Greetings Achim!
Hallo Mike,
Wenn MSp eingerichtet ist
Midi-Bibliothek: Google
Verbindungstyp: Bluetooth
Midi Eingangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
Midi Ausgangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
Funktioniert alles einwandfrei. Tabled auf Off
MSP auf Off. Alles funktioniert.
Wird das Midigerät (Korg X5DR) ausgeschaltet so wird beim erneutem Einschalten in den Midi-Verbingungen immer noch
Midi-Bibliothek: Google
Verbindungstyp: Bluetooth
Midi Eingangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
Midi Ausgangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
angezeigt, es ist jedoch keine Funktion mehr vorhanden.
Funktion wieder vorhanden wennfolgende Einstellungen
gemacht werden.
Verbindungstyp: Bluetooth zurück auf USB und zurück auf Bluetooth
Midi Eingangsports: Widi Master (0)
Midi Ausgangsports: Widi Master (0)
erneut verbinden
Midi Eingangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
Midi Ausgangsports: Widi Master (0) (Verbunden)
alles funktioniert.
Gruß Achim!Hi
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I don't think the code is set up to reconnect automatically to a bluetooth device if you turn it off and then back on. That would require re-scanning for all bluetooth devices which would draw power in the background if the device is not immediately found. If I had to try to automatically reconnect, that would mean that I would never stop trying to scan for it in the background, consuming a lot of power over time if the device is not found. I don't think that is the best way to handle this. I'm relying on Google's library to let me know when the device is disconnected, but apparently that is not being reported if you turn the device off (or maybe it takes a while before that is reported through their library). I think the only way to properly handle this is to pop up a dialog when the bluetooth connection breaks with the MIDI device and ask if the user wants to attempt to reconnect. If they say yes, it will scan and try to look for it. Google's interface does not notify me when the scan is complete, so the user will have to tap cancel if the device isn't found and they don't want to wait any longer for the scan. This also depends on whether the lost connection is reported, so I'll have to investigate this further to understand how long it typically takes or if it isn't really working the way it should. For now, you will just have to manually rescan for the device if you break the connection. I know that's tedious, but there is no easy option for me to reestablish bluetooth connections that doesn't have consequences.
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Gruß Achim!
Hallo Mike,
Viele Dank für die schnelle Antwort: Leider habe ich vom Programmieren keine Kenntnis, keine eigene die Frage gestellt ob ob nicht möglich ist die von mir von Hand gehört Schritte von sich nicht von einem Programm gehört lassen. Ob dies möglich ist kann ich nicht bewertet.
Jedoch habe ich bei weitergehenden folgenden folgenden Konzepten:
Wenn in den Einstellungen Midi-Verbindungen konfigurieren
folgendes eingestellt ist
Midi-Bibliothek: Voreinstellung
Verbindungstyp: Bluetooth
erscheinen beim Einschalten eines Midigerätes die Mitteilung:
"Midi-Gerät Widi-Master wurde verbunden."
Beim Ausschalten des Midigerätes kommt die Mitteilung:
"Midi-Gerät Widi-Master wurde zerstört."
In der Einstellung "Midi-Gerät Widi-Master wurde verbunden"
werden Daten werden, bin Midigerät keine keine Funktion.
Um zu sehen, welche Daten überprüft werden, habe ich eine Midi-Kontroll-Kontrolle mit folgendem Ergebnis: Es wurde nur die Midikanal-Einstellung erhalten, der Befehlstyp "Patch Select" wird nicht nicht. Bei einem weitern Versuch versucht ich fest: Wenn der Befehl
"Programmwechsel" eingestellt ist, wird die nachempfundene Programmänderung Nummer wird geändert und vom Midi-Gerät geändert. Wenn der Befehlstyp "Patch Select" Aktiviert wird
und die Befehle MSB, LSB und Wertgesch in der Hoffnung, dass sich der Befehlstyp "Patch Select"
Aktiveren entfernen gehörtibe ich mit
Gruß Achim!reetings Achim!
Hi Mike,
Many thanks for the quick answer: Unfortunately I have no knowledge of programming, I have not asked myself whether it is not possible to not let a program hear the steps I have heard by hand. I cannot assess whether this is possible.
However, I have the following concepts for the following:
If in the settings configure midi connections
the following is set
Midi library: default setting
Connection type: bluetooth
the following message appears when a midi device is switched on:
"Midi device Widi-Master has been connected."
When the midi device is switched off, the message appears:
"Midi device Widi-Master was destroyed."
In the setting "Midi device Widi-Master was connected"
data will be, bin midi device no no function.
To see which data are checked, I have a midi control check with the following result: Only the midi channel setting was received, the command type "Patch Select" is not not. On another attempt I tried hard: If the command
"Program change" is set, the simulated program change number is changed and changed by the midi device. When the command type "Patch Select" is activated
and the commands MSB, LSB and Wertgesch in the hope that the command type "Patch Select"
I heard removing more active ones
Greetings Achim!
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That's good news that you see the "Midi device Widi-Master was destroyed" message, as it means my application is correctly detecting when the connection breaks. If you are also seeing the "Midi device Widi-Master has been connected" message after turning it back on, that concerns me though, as it seems to indicate the connection is being re-established over bluetooth, which I would not expect to happen automatically.