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MobileSheets and MobileSheetsPro v3.0.0 Released
I'm happy to announce that version 3.0.0 of MobileSheets for Windows 10 and MobileSheetsPro for Android is now available. This update was in development for a long time, and I'm very grateful to all of the beta testers who helped provide feedback and bug reports. The majority of changes in this update are related to the new design for annotations, but a great deal of bugs have also been fixed in this release. An explanation of all the changes in the new annotations design will be posted on my website soon. At that time, I will include a link to that here. A brief list of changes in this update can be found below:

Common Changes:
  • Redesigned the annotations functionality to add many new tools and features, remove the separate editor screen and improve the workflow for quick editing.
  • Smart buttons can now be dragged into place both when creating and repositioning them
  • Replaced color selection dialog with a newer implementation that is easier to use
  • Fixed bug with the audio player panning where it wouldn't correctly show the current slider position when first loaded
  • MobileSheetsPro will now correctly adjust the page order to use the full range if a file is modified/replace outside the app and the full range of pages was previously specified
  • Added support for panning with a two finger scroll
  • "Connect Tablets" feature now uses the terms leader and follower
  • Updated PDF library for "Speed" render quality setting to fix rendering of some files
  • Fixed automatic scrolling issue that could cause scrolling to extend past the end of the last page of a song
  • Fixed bugs with adjusting loop points in the audio player
  • Added support for temporary zooming with the half page display mode. You must zoom fully out before changing pages.
  • Added database read optimizations to speed up queries with large libraries
  • Fixed issue with changing the number of blank pages in a song that would cause annotations, link points and bookmarks to be lost

MobileSheetsPro v3.0.0 (Android)
  • Updated OneDrive integration to support business accounts
  • If trying to use "My Files" on ChromeOS as a storage location or output directory, a warning about it being read-only is now shown

MobileSheets v3.0.0 (Windows 10)
  • Switched to using Win2D to render files and annotations, which significantly reduces memory usage and provides better performance
  • Added support for drawing highlights behind the page content, which is now possible with the switch to Win2D
  • Fixed issues with error when logging into Dropbox about the browser needing to be upgraded.
  • Fixed bug when using the camera to take pictures on some devices that caused the camera to be listed as incompatible
  • Fixed the "Connect Tablets" and "Connect to PC" features so that they can correctly detect an active WiFi connection even if there is no internet connectivity
  • Fixed bug with importing PDF bookmarks to split up a large PDF
  • Fixed bug with the audio player panning where it wouldn't correctly show the current slider position when first loaded
  • Fixed crash with "Sync to Cloud Folder" feature where it would crash if a folder was selected and the screen was exited immediately after
  • Fixed various issues with exporting and printing

MobileSheetsPro Companion v3.0.5
  • Updated to support the new annotations design

I hope this update helps users create annotations faster with the improved workflow and provides an overall better experience. The new options should also result in higher quality annotations, especially when creating stamp annotations.

Wishing everyone a happy holidays,
Congrats and thanks.
Thank you for your hard work. Nice christmas gift. :-) Happy hollidays
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Android 12
Samsung Note Pro 12.2 LineageOS 14.1
Huawei Media Pad M3 lite Android 7
Congrats, Mike. Must feel great to have it done. Is the e-Ink version update ready to go too? What's the best way to install the latest version when the app was bought from your site?
Thanks - it definitely feels great to be able to move forward with all of the other work that has been waiting. Yes, the e-ink version is ready as well. If you load the app with an active internet connection, you should get a notice that an update is available.

Good job!
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
'feels faster' - very nice, thank you!
The update worked but there's a problem. If I try to go into annotation mode it hangs. I've tried many times and it happens every time. Eventually it asks if I want to wait or close the app and I've tried hitting wait a few times but it's never started running again. I've tried navigating through the settings pages and that seems to be fine. Changing songs often works for a while but fairly quickly it will hang on a song change too. This is on a Boox Max 3 using the paid e-Ink version. Is there an easy way to go back to 2.9.6? I hadn't seen this problem until the update to v3.0.0.

I can also change libraries without any problems. I just tried going into annotation mode in a song in the default library just in case the library was the problem but it's hung on that too
Great work, Mike. Don't see any problem on my Surface Pro 5

Tablet: Surface Pro 8, 
Other: Strich BT-FP2, USB-MIDI connection to Kurzweil Forte 7
What a great christmas present, Mike! Thanks! The annotation overhaul is a huge step forward, nice work!

One thing I've noticed though: when in annotation mode (with a stylus) I can only pan vertically with 1 finger. Going sideways only works if I use 2 fingers (but that leads to some awkward zooming movements too), or by selecting the pan tool from the top bar. Is this by design?
Oz Cello - I've sent you a private message. I updated the version of some libraries I use from Onyx, and I'm guessing that must have caused some issues with the Boox Max 3 that don't show up on my Boox Max 2 Pro. 

pianistslogic - That's definitely not intended. You should be able to pan in any direction if stylus mode is enabled. I'll take a look at that. Is that with the Windows 10 version or the Android version?

(12-24-2020, 03:05 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: ...
pianistslogic - That's definitely not intended. You should be able to pan in any direction if stylus mode is enabled. I'll take a look at that. Is that with the Windows 10 version or the Android version?

I see. It's the Android version, Samsung Tab S3 using stylus mode (but I think non-stylus mode has the same issue, IIRC). Simply updated the app from the Play Store. Thanks for your work!
Hi Mike,
I See that i could not pan and zoom in annotations Mode, if the stylus Mode is enabled and touch recognition while stylus Mode is disabled.
Android Version. Testet on two Tablets.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Android 12
Samsung Note Pro 12.2 LineageOS 14.1
Huawei Media Pad M3 lite Android 7
That's by design - if you disable touch input with stylus mode enabled, then you can't use your fingers to pan or zoom, as touch input will be ignored. That setting is disabled by default for that reason. It's mainly there for users that have issues with their palm still triggering touch input and would rather completely disable touch input than have any interference.

Oh ok. Then i misunderstood something in the manual.
Is there a way to zoom in if the Touch recognition is turned off?
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Android 12
Samsung Note Pro 12.2 LineageOS 14.1
Huawei Media Pad M3 lite Android 7

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