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Hi all, I am running an RCA Pro12 Tablet, it is Android, I think 6.0. NIB purchase off eBay. I have a new install of MobileSheets Pro. I cannot use the erasure function. I have tried the draw over function and the text box. When I use the touch and draw function I get the red area that appears over the area I want to erase but when i release my finger nothing happens, the red area disappears and I am left with exactly what was there. Same thing with the box, I can make the box with my finger but upon release, box disappears but nothing changes.
On a maybe related note, when using the manual crop function, the right side crop line does not move initially. I can use the left side and if I move the left side around a bit the right side will then start to respond. Auto crop seems to work OK but does not always go where I want.
I have had a previous version of the RCA Pro tablet but it broke (long story} and on that one I did not have issues with the above problems. It had an earlier version of Mobile Sheets on it.
Thank you!
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Are you able to create other annotations with your finger and just erasing is an issue? I just want to rule out easy answers like stylus mode being enabled. Have you tried deleting different kinds of annotations with the eraser? Or have you only been attempting to delete one type of annotation?
I definitely can't explain the cropping issue you are seeing as I've never experienced that before. Does it seem like it's just a loading issue? If you wait for a couple seconds (~5) and then try to drag the right side, does it respond normally? Or does it exhibit the same behavior?
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01-31-2021, 12:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2021, 04:57 PM by ragdoll serenade.
Edit Reason: Updated info
Hi Mike, thank you for your response. I have worked the program a little. I found in the settings under Touch and Pedal - " Enter Annotation mode with stylus input" and unchecked it. That did not change anything.
I tried the erasure again with no success, either on annotations I made or on parts of the score that were already on the native PDF. I was able to work around by using the highlighter with white as the color setting, this accomplished what I wanted.
Edited to add that I did get it to work a couple of times both on a saved annotation and an unsaved annotation. Then it stopped working. I have been able to add text and stamps. Also I tried to use the "Clear all " command from the annotations circle. I got a confirmation message asking to delete all annotations, clicked OK and no annotations were removed, either unsaved or saved.
Regarding the crop, time does not change anything. same behavior with waiting for up to a minute. That is an inconsistent problem. It always happens but regaining the right side control sometimes happens after I move the left side or top once or sometimes I have to move it back and forth. A couple of times the left side was not responding either. I have a successful workaround. I use the autocrop first and then before saving I bring the score up with the manual crop and I can manipulate the lines immediately. Saving it then works fine.
I should let you know that I do not do a lot of annotations. For starters the RCA Pro 12 pad is not that great for using a stylus and using a finger tip is difficult for any fine work. That's OK, I am a hobbyist classical guitar player and mostly just like the tablet for organizing and reading scores. I do most of my annotations on paper first and then scan and load into MobileSheets.
I am using v 3.0.2 Downloaded a week or so ago. And have really enjoyed using your product for the last few years. Thank you.
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Definitely download the latest update (vesrion 3.0.6 for Android) whenever you get a chance, as that may help with some issues. If you bring up the layers window, are all of the annotations listed that you expect to be able to erase? Only annotations shown in that list can be erased/deleted.
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OK, I have updated to the latest version 3.0.4 The erasure now appears to be working. The cropping issue persists but is improved. I can use the manual crop circles (ha-ha) but only 1 or 2 will respond initially. I can slide them back and forth and then the remaining circles will respond, I do not have to move them around as much. Still initially some will not respond. The auto-crop work around is quite satisfactory for my purposes.
i will dig into the instruction manual to work with the annotations and layers. I had been using a much older version for a long time, a couple of years even, without updating. This latest version has some differences.....
One quick question, how can I better navigate the manual? I can't seem to find a way to bring up any bookmarks or index or table of contents. If I scroll to the table of contents and select a chapter, it goes there fine. But to get back to the table of contents I have to endlessly scroll, there are well over a hundred pages here! (or what I have been doing is hitting the back arrow on my tablet and that takes me back to the scores. then open the manual again and select another chapter, it's cumbersome.)
Secondly, how can I get my device to save the manual, every time I open MS and then ask for the manual, it always downloads the manual instead of simply opening it. What if I don't have wifi handy?
I can' t seem to find a copy stored anywhere on the tablet.
Thank you!
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Yes, 3.0.6 my mistake. I did find a copy to download and store on the tablet. I had to get a PDF viewer to open it outside of MS and have been successful in doing that, and it does allow better navigation of the manual. Thank you.