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Vertical Scrolling in Notes Field
I recently added a rather large amount of text (copy/pasted) to the Notes field of a song in my Library.
While editing it was simple and straightforward with the ability to scroll up and down with my mouse wheel, when the text is displayed in either Preview or when the song is opened, there is no ability to scroll down to see the paragraphs/lines below the screen when the screen is in landscape mode.
If I orient the tablet in portrait, it JUST fits although the font size is very small. In addition, the text sizing seems to have no effect on the size of the font in this particular notes field. It DOES work just fine on other Song Notes fields where there is way less lines of text.
FWIW – There are 61 lines of text in this particular Notes field which includes returns and the machine is a Surface Book 2 13.5.” I could attempt to condense it a bit but I am sure the situation may come up again, at least for me.
I don’t know if I am missing something, but shouldn’t scrolling be enabled when you are viewing the notes field and how come font-resizing doesn’t work in this situation?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!
The notes popup dialog as it is right now is designed to scale the font size down until it fits without the need for scrolling. It is not designed to support scrolling because that has never really been the intent of that popup. It's supposed to be used for a short amount of information relevant to the performance of the song, not a huge amount of text. Having said that, I just copied most of the wikipedia article for sheet music into the notes dialog, and you can see the preview is formatted to shrink the text down to fit: www.zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/images/forum/notes_preview.png

Having said all that, I understand that some users may want to use it differently, and if they want to utilize a large font size that necessitates the need to scroll to see everything, that may still be their preference. I've gone ahead and updated that dialog to now support scrolling and whatever font size is specified will be honored. You will see these changes in version 3.1.0 when it is released.

Thanks Mike!!

Another suggestion for a future version may be the addition of a second Notes page.

"Notes Page 1" would be the primary page that followed the directions set up for that Song, (popping up when opened, etc.), with scrolling. Wink

"Notes Page 2" would be accessed strictly through a touch or mouse click someplace, or Song Edit.

An application & explanation:

I currently use the Notes as intended for tidbits of information or history about a song that may be of interest to an audience during a performance or fellow musicians as an FYI. It is great when it pops up when the song is opened if that is the way I want it to behave.

In the situation that prompted the "scrolling" request, on a particular folk song in my Library from Scotland written in the 1800's, I copy/pasted a wordy history AND a list of definitions for certain lyrics that were dialect and unfamiliar so I had somewhere to go if I forgot what those words meant 175 years ago.

However in reality, the list of definitions and actually some of the other historical information could reside on another page of Notes where they could be accessed if needed, but not pop-up or take up valuable space in a singe Notes field, which would have the added benefit of NOT shrinking the font or requiring scrolling if so desired.

Just a thought...

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