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Durch die Anmerkungen blättern / flip through annotation layers
Hi there

Ich habe mehrere Anmerkungsebenen und würde wollen, dass beim Aufruf des Songs die erste Ebebne angezeigt wird und ich dann durch die Ebenen durchblättern kann, so wie das im App-Beschrieb drinsteht. Ich habe bei den Touch-Aktionen oben links und rechts "vorherige Anmerkungsebene" und "nächste Anmerkungsebene" festgelegt. Da passiert aber gar nichts. Ich meine, dass das vor ein paar Wochen noch funktioniert hat, bin aber nicht sicher. Vielleicht ist das aber auch das falsche Vorgehen. Wie muss ich es denn anstellen, dass ich druch die Ebenen durchblättern kann?

I've got several annotation layers. My wish was, that it shows the first layer when i open the song and i can flip through the annotations, as it is written in the app description. In the touch settings i choose for the upper left and right corners the settings "previos annotationlayer" and "next annotationlayer" (I'm not sure about the translation to english). But this doesn't work, if I tip in the upper corners nothing happens at all. I believe to remember that this worked some weeks ago but I'm not sure. Maybe it's the wrong approach. What do I have to do, if i wanna flip through annotation layers?

Thanks for your help
There are two bugs currently present:

1) When you go to the touch actions screen, if you have never changed the assignments for the top left and top right corners, they will display "Previous Annotation Layer" and "Next Annotation Layer", but the defaults are supposed to be "None". So if you have not done so yet, switch the top left to something other than "Previous Annotation Layer" and then switch it back. Do the same for the top right corner assignment. 

2) If you add layers to a song, MobileSheetsPro will not account for the new layers when using the previous/next annotation layer actions until you either switch songs or reload the song. 

I have fixes in place for both issues for the next update. Let me know if you still encounter problems after reassigning the actions and reloading the song if necessary.

Thanks a lot, and sorry for posting twice! I thought the first posting was not submitted.
Everything works fine now, I’m super happy!

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