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ChordPro Spacing Question
I realize this isn't necessarily a MobileSheets issue but I figured I ask here because I use ChordPro sheets I create in MSP.

Is there way or a supported ChordPro command that creates spaces between chord symbols besides the Move feature which doesn't seem to work in my application or just adding spaces in the Text Editor?

My application is this, I have a song with lyrics and I want to have more space between chord symbols that come in measures AFTER the lyrics, so if the lyrics & chords were:

[Bb]Why can't I [F]figure this out?    [Eb7]    [Bb]

No matter how many spaces I add between the Eb7 and the Bb chords in the Text Editor, when I view the sheet the chord symbols are very close to one another, sort of like this:

Bb              F                          Eb7 Bb
Why can't I figure this out?

Instead of:

Bb              F                          Eb7        Bb
Why can't I figure this out?

When I try and use the Move feature in the Text Editor, the Bb chord symbol moves to the line below, like this:

Bb              F                          Eb7
Why can't I figure this out? 

It's not a monstrously huge deal but it would be nice if there was a way to make the spacing more to my liking.

Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions!
So the problem is that the font that is used is not a fixed width font, so spaces actually have a very small width. MobileSheetsPro is trying to line up the chords with the lyrics below them, but since there are just spaces at the end, it doesn't move the Bb over very much. If you did something like place a period or other character before the [Bb], that might help keep it further away.

OK, I understand that.

But what about the Move Tool, why does that not work and why does it introduce a return and place the chord on the line below with one right arrow click on the chord symbol furthest to the right as in the example I posted above:

Bb              F                          Eb7
Why can't I figure this out?

Could a solution be with that tool?

Thanks anyway Mike!
The move tool just lets you move a chord to a different position in the file, one character at a time. If it reaches the end of a line, it's going to go to the next line. It's basically just swapping the brackets and the content within the brackets with the letter to the right or left of it, depending on which way you are moving it. That's not going to get you what you want in this case. You need to extend the line of lyrics, and then line up the chord with the spot in the line of lyrics that you want it to be at. It's easier to use something other than a space for this as I explained, but you can try doing it with spaces as well. You just might need to add a lot more spaces than expected because the text editor is using a fixed-width font while the file will be a rendered with a non-fixed width font. 

Got it, thanks!
You might want to try "empty chords" as in this example:
(three or four blanks between the brackets usually work fine for me)

{t:Besame mucho}
{st:Consuelo Velázquez (1916-2005)}
[|] [Dm] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|] [Gm] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|]
[|] [Gm] [D7] [|] [Gm] [A7] [|] [Dm] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|]
[|] [D7] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|] [Gm] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|]
[|] [Dm] [Dm/B] [|] [Bb] [A7] [|] [Dm] [    ] [|] [    ] [    ] [|]

[|] [Gm] [    ] [|] [Dm] [    ] [|] [A7] [    ] [|] [Dm] [    ] [|]
[|] [Gm] [    ] [|] [Dm] [    ] [|] [E7] [Bb7] [|] [A7] [    ] [|]
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Hve you tried to insert non-brakable spaces? They usually do occupy horizontal space.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
(10-11-2021, 10:45 PM)sciurius Wrote: Hve you tried to insert non-brakable spaces? They usually do occupy horizontal space.

I don't know if you can add them in the Text Editor for ChordPro sheet in MSP.
(10-11-2021, 07:47 PM)itsme Wrote: You might want to try "empty chords" as in this example:
(three or four blanks between the brackets usually work fine for me)...

At Mike's suggestion, vastly increasing the number of regular spaces I had previously inserted between chord symbols NOT over lyrics gave me better results (like going from 4 spaces to 16) but your suggestion works MUCH, MUCH better.

However, I also inadvertently discovered that instead of adding three or four blanks between the brackets, if you add ONE set of brackets and place as many spaces as you need between them you get the same result.

So instead of this:

[A][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][E7]

Just do this:

[A][                ][E7]


Thanks for the suggestion & solution!!
Maybe because (and only if) the chord font is a fixed width font?

May I suggest to take this to the ChordPro discussion forum? Improving horizontal spacing of chords is often asked for and used input is welcome to work out a good approach.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).

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