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not sure where to post this, sorry if this isn't the right place!
I created a new library -- and understand how to switch from one to the other, in Settings.
My question is: how to move songs (pdf's) from one library (original one) to the newly created one.
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You can just go the new library and import the pdf from the folder that MSP stores it in for the original library but that just gives you the pdf without any settings or parameters that you might've applied to it in the original library. When I want to keep those settings I export it as an msf file in the old library and then open the new library and import the msf file. That way all the MSP settings and options (annotations, collections/artist/composer/difficulty/etc, display settings etc) are retained. When I import the msf file MSP tells me that the file already exists and asks if I want to use the original file or make a new one. If you use the original file then it avoids doubling up but still allows you to have different parameters for the same pdf in each library.
Let me know if you find a better way though.
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What Guy has described is the best way to move songs between libraries at the moment. There isn't an option elsewhere to move songs between libraries, although I can certainly consider supporting that in the future.
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Thank you Guy and Mike. I'm a newbie and after messing around with this, and reading the Help manual, I'm gonna need more detailed steps, as I've never saved, or exported an msf file. Do I do this on the companion program (on my PC), or on the tablet?
On my tablet, when I tried doing what you suggested, it imported a bunch of stuff I didn't want, (thought I had sufficiently set parameters) and now I don't see how to remove them. maybe just delete the new library and start over? Ok, that worked to delete and start over. I now have created a new (blank) library, and ready to import, but how?
I'm trying.....but this action is new to me and I can't seem to figure it out....
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I do it in the app itself - haven't used the companion for a while.
What I do is:
Go to the original library (via the settings - sounds like you know how to do that already)
Select the piece (i.e. go to a library screen where you can see the name of the piece you want to export, and then long-press on the piece so that checkboxes appear next to the names of the pieces and the one you want to export has a tick in the box)
Select 'share' from the top of the screen, which brings up some options (two for sharing and two for exporting). [If you can't see share at the top of the screen then you'll need to tap the three dots in the top right corner which brings up the overflow menu which will include 'share' as an option]
Select 'export as .msf', which brings up options for where to export the msf file too (local file, dropbox etc)
Select 'local drive', which gives you options for where to save the msf file.
Once I've chosen the location the msf file will be saved to that location.
To import the msf file I:
Go to the new library (via settings again)
Select 'import' from the top of the library screen
Select 'local file' and navigate to the location where I exported the msf file
Select the msf file I want to import
You then get options for choosing a name for the piece and setting parameters. At this point I just select 'load piece editor after import' and under 'duplicate file behaviour' I select 'ignore duplicate files' then select OK. That imports the piece with all the same settings and parameters as it had in the original library and it opens the edit display for the piece. I make any changes I need to make on the edit page and then save it.
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thanks so much for your time, explaining the steps.
Is it possible to batch import/export? I have quite a few songs to move to the other library (1000?) Not seeing a way to do this....
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Go to the songs tab of the library, filter so you only see the 1000 songs you want to move, long press to start selection mode, tap the select all icon at the bottom right, tap Share->Export as .msf and then import that .msf file on the other library. That would move all 1000.
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Under Songs tab, I cannot see a "select all" icon..... at the bottom right. I have 2434 songs, and I only want to select 1000 ish....
Alternatively, I've tried putting those 1000 in a Collection and selecting all, but no Select All option . What am I missing?
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11-16-2021, 07:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2021, 08:00 AM by Geoff Bacon.)
Long press and then release one of the songs; a check box will appear next to it.
A floating toolbar will appear near bottom right of screen - tap the open square box to select all (the other one clears the selections)
Note: this is for an android tablet, I don't know if you are using windows or if it is the same on windows.
Another alternative, if you have an android tablet and a windows pc, is to use the Companion program.
This allows you to use common window actions to select songs e.g. CtrlA to select all songs or, for a range, select the first song, scroll down until last song is visible, hold the shift key down and select the last song.
I quite often use the Companion for manipulating the files.
Another tip is to make a backup of the database before making major changes (you can do this from MSP but I use the Companion File option)
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
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11-16-2021, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2021, 09:10 AM by Zubersoft.)
Did you disable the floating toolbar at the bottom right corner of the library screen? I believe even if that toolbar is hidden it should be displayed when entries are selected on the library screen, but you can enable Settings->Library Settings->Show Floating Toolbar if that is not the case. If you still don't see the floating toolbar at the bottom right after selecting something, please send an email to and I'll share some screenshots with you.
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I did find the floating toolbar at the bottom! Thank you!
Still not seeing a way to remove songs from library w/o selecting individual songs (I have 1000 to move to new library)
The ones I want to move are by 1 artist - so I created a Collection, with just that artist, then exported that file as .msf. Then, opened new library and chose Batch Import, specifying only that 1 artist. It imported EVERYTHING on my tablet, photos, all pdf's, jpgs, etc.
So, I deleted that import and tried Import>Local File>Banjo It only imported 191 out of 641 songs
Switched back to default (original) Library, Collections>Tater Joes >Select All (641) >Share as .msf >extSDcard (says Generating file 0% complete) Switched to Newly created library - not able to import all the files.
Moving songs from original library to new library successful (when trying just 1 or 2 files) using the Export .msf, going to new Library and Import .msf
HOWEVER, the songs remain in the old library!
Using the Companion: couldn't see how to switch libraries, so that wasn't successful either.
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You are correct - you will have to filter on the songs you want to remove, select them all and then delete them all at once. There isn't an option at the moment to move songs between libraries - you have to export them from one, delete them from that one, then import them in the other.
You do not want to batch import a .msf file - you want to use Import->Local File and select that one .msf file. Batch importing a directory containing a .msf file will import all files in that folder along with any subdirectories if that option is enabled.
You said you weren't able to import all the files you exported - what exactly does that mean? Are you encountering an error of some kind? Was the export successful before you tried importing the .msf?
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Thanks for the clarification on those issues, Mike.
There was no error message, per se. When I was exporting the .msf file, it said Generating File 0% spinning for a long time, without the 0% changing. There WAS an export file created, but apparently didn't contain all checked songs. When I tried Batch Import, I only selected the one .msf file to Import, not the whole directory, which is why I didn't understand when it imported other files. So, I knew that wasn't right.
Next thing I tried: switch to original Library >Collection >Select songs I want to move (641 this time) >Export .msf Switch to new Library >Import .msf and only 197 moved. So then, as a test, I tried the same steps on just 4 songs and that worked. So, maybe a workaround is to move the files in smaller batches?
Alternatively, it might be easier/cleaner to re-upload that one artist Collection from a file on my PC into the new Library, as I did in the original upload. In that scenario, would I use Batch Import?
Question about uploading Audio files to MSP: The one Artist I'm creating the new library for, has MIDI (mp3) files associated with each song (Song pdf is TABulature, ) , but i haven't figured out how to load them into MSP, under each song the mp3 goes with. I actually have many different recordings of each song, that would be nice to have loaded into the audio file of each song, but don't know how to do that, other than individually.
Here is how the 2 files (pdf and mp3) are: G_BarlowKnife.pdf and BarlowKnife.mp3