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Work around or Suggestion: Batch import of sheets+audio files
If I do a batch import including audio files the file names have to be the same, e.g.

- MySong.pdf
- MySong.mp3

But in some cases (better: a lot of....) the required audio file is named
- MySong Backingtrack.mp3

I don´t want to rename it, because of there is MySong.mp3 also and I want
to recognize by file name what version the audio file is.

is there any workaround (execpt adding one by one; except renaming audio or sheet) to get a batch import sheet+audio happend,
if the audio file name is extended?

Or would it be a suggestion to allow user-defined name extensions for batch import sheet+audio.

e.g. setting:
Allow name extension of audio file: "backingtrack"; "no vocals", "Sologuitar", "no bass" ...... and so on and on....

Exclamation  No backup, no pity
There isn't a workaround at the moment. I can certainly consider adding more options in the future to provide more control over how the matching files are identified.

has the situation improved in this regard? I have multiple audio files for some songs from different performers, and would like to import them along with the song PDF when doing a batch import. Any ideas appreciated.
I haven't prioritized working on any changes for this as it's not a common request. These issues are all tracked in my bug tracking system, but I'm working through the highest priority stuff first. I was working on the iOS version most of last year, so I'm only now starting to work through the backlog of feature requests.

no worries, I can imagine the amount of work required for the IOS version.

br hari

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