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MobileSheets Group of up to 50 Clients
I am searching for a solution to create a group of up to 50 clients at once.
Bluetooth is not an option because most of the devices just have Wifi.
Is there a mobile AP, which can handle so many devices?
Do you no another option?

That would be great
Is there a reason WiFi will not work? There shouldn't be any kinds of limitations on how many simultaneous connections are made over WiFi. If there are performance issues with this, then I may have to add an option to have the connections be UDP based instead of TCP based. In that mode, one tablet would basically just broadcast messages out to all the other tablets, but wouldn't track whether or not they are actively connected. So it would only support one-way connectivity, but it would scale much better with a larger number of tablets.

Android Hotspots can just handle up to 10 clients, as I found as a hard limit.
I'm searching for a mobile/battery powered device, because it is for marching purposes
I believe windows has an simultaneous internet connection limit which you could override in the registry - perhaps Android has something similar?

Googling showed this might be possible using a mobile phone https://osxdaily.com/2013/07/30/bypass-d...i-hotspot/

My concern would be that, with so many devices, at least one wouldn't be working.
Also, what would you do if it totally failed when performing? (perhaps this is what you should be doing normally)

You will need to watch the data charges (assuming you can get the phone method to work)

PS I've never used any of this!
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
Sounds to me like you would need a dedicated router that could handle 50 simultaneous connections instead of a hotspot. There do seem to be battery-powered routers: https://whywelikethis.com/best-battery-p...i-routers/ as an example.

I will give it a try with a mobile LTE WLAN Router.
Thanks for your answers

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