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Do I need the companion?
I have never set up the Microsoft Companion. I have now downloaded and installed the windows version. 
Once I link the tablet and laptop, do I need the companion?
You don't 'need' the companion, but it makes uploading much easier uploading/downloading to a tablet. It's not used at all for MSP on a windows install, you just use 'local' as the source.
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
I have had MSP on my tablet for some time.  I love it.  My only quibble is that I can't use the full version of Musescore on my Tablet, I can only do this on my laptop.

now I have MSP on both my laptop and my tablet.  I'd like to "compose" on MSP and Musescore on the laptop, but use the Tablet for rehearsals and performing.
If you have MSP on each device, essentially yes.
I have MSP on my laptop and several tablets and my phone. I find or prep all my music on the lap top and copy it to a file labeled 'For tablet' [I also have a file 'On Tablet' I use to back up this stuff]. Then I use the [Connect to] Companion via wifi to load the songs in the 'for tablet' onto my primary tablet. I do all my annotations on that tablet so I make 2 backup's of the primary tablet, 1 on the laptop [using the Companion] in a folder labeled 'MSP backups' and one on the primary tablet. I use the backup on the laptop [local source] to update [restore] the new material. I use the laptop to restore [update] the other devices [minus the primary] to the updated material via wifi using the 'Connect to Companion' option [located in the overflow drop down, 3 stacked dots]. 

Since you are using only one tablet you would just do the backup then restore the laptop/tablet using the backup on the laptop. Bottom line, load 2 [or more] times, once for each device. I think you could also use the 'sync library' function, but I've never tried it.

Hope that's not too confusing.
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12

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