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List of issues fixed with build 4
A list of fixes included with build 4 have been compiled here:

  • Fixed issue with sepia background not matching the sepia color on pages
  • Fixed crash that could occur when loading some setlists
  • Fixed issue with rotation not being handled which could cause the display mode not to be changed properly
  • Implemented the missing connection toolbar (still needs testing)
  • Fixed placement of clock display when positioned in the bottom left or right corners
  • Changed the bottom alignment of each screen to extend below bottom bar for switching apps
  • Fixed error when loading databases that have a negative value specified for last modified timestamp or file size
  • Fixed date formatting to respect locale of device
  • Fixed endless loop that could occur with song titles containing parenthesis
  • Fixed full screen preference description to no longer include "Android"
  • Fixed crash that would occur when using the two finger selection gesture in lists and then deselecting all items
  • Fixed crash while using Share->Share Files. The share activity is not currently working though and will not be displayed.
  • Fixed issue with multi-selection dialog extending past the top/bottom of the screen for some users
  • Fixed issue with multi-selection dialog not correctly responding to tablet rotation
  • Fixed issue with clearing filters not working for text searches
  • Adjusted text sizes for filter bar
  • Fixed issue with performance mode button turning white when disabled
  • Fixed issue with filter bar not staying hidden when restarting MobileSheets
  • Fixed issue with invalid Dropbox paths causing a crash (needs to be verified, may be a cause of sync failures still)
  • Fixed handilng of importing from local file system as well as from iCloud. Direct file access is now used instead of having the OS make a copy of every selected file. This allows the last selected folder to be used when importing from inside the MobileSheets folder. The last selected folder cannot be saved/restored when accessing folders outside the MobileSheets folder or in the iCloud due to file permissions in iOS. This can not be made any better unfortunatley. The direct file access approach may also cause failures when importing from some third party apps like Owlfile when connected to remote storage like a NAS, as the path to the file is given to MobileSheets before the file has actually been downloaded and made available (with larger files like library backups, MobileSheets will try to access it and will get a "file does not exist" error). 
  • Fixed issue with network MIDI session connection being reported
  • Fixed issue with system exclusive MIDI messages causing the app to crash
  • Fixed issue with sliders where they would not snap to values when released
  • Fixed issues with tab selection and order dialog including missing reorder controls, incorrect delete option showing for right list and potential errors when deleting from the left list.
  • Fixed issue where the caption could not be set correctly in the song format preference dialog
  • Fixed issue where page color tone was not being applied to chord pro files
  • Fixed issue where files could not be exported to the local file system
  • XML preference files were being copied to the documents directory during the restore for debugging purposes. This has now been removed as it's no longer necessary
  • Fixed preference file issue where boolean values represented as "True" and "False" instead of "true" and "false" would cause the values to not be read correctly on iOS
  • Fixed issues with checkboxes when the text was long enough to cause wrapping. The text would no longer be centered with the checkbox and the size would be incorrectly reported causing layout issues on dialogs.
  • Fixed issues on dialogs with radio buttons (like the sorting dialogs) where tapping the radio button would cause the selection not be registered correctly, whereas tapping elsewhere on the field would work fine.
  • Fixed issues with the companion app connection where checking the hash of a file would cause a crash
  • Fixed issue with library sync connection where checking the hash of a file would cause a crash
  • Fixed some action bar layout issues
  • Fixed batch edit screen so it correctly responds to orientation changes
  • Fixed batch import screen so it correctly responds to orientation changes
  • Fixed crash that would occur while loading the command bar from the radial menu in the annotations editor
  • Fixed edit popup in annotations editor so that it would be positioned correctly relative to the selected annotation
  • Fixed edit popup crash in the annotations editor
  • Fixed crashes that could occur while editing embedded PDF annotations or embedding annotations
  • Fixed crash that would occur while swiping through the lists of stamps and swiping past the end
  • Addressed potential crash with invalid freeform annotation data
  • Fixed issue with text annotations where line breaks would be handled incorrectly under some conditions
  • Fixed issue where blank entry would show up at the top of the alphabet list in some situations
  • Fixed crash when new value was added to the multi-selection dialog
  • Fixed issue with the metadata field component where the last line wouldn't be displayed correctly once it had to wrap
  • Fixed crash with the create placeholder dialog
  • Changed Import Settings dialog to only be 60% of the screen height
  • Changed Multi-selection dialog to use less space if there are fewer entries, but up to 80% of the screen height if there are more entries
  • Changed dialog used for displaying results (like after an import) to use only use as much space as needed, up to 500 pixels and then it scrolls
  • Fixed crash with Share Options dialog
  • Fixed space between items on dialog that shows a list of items to select from (like when picking Local File/Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive)
  • Camera icon is now hidden if the device does not have a camera (doesn't apply to most situations)
  • Added code to prevent crash when using the Genos/SX linking feature, and hopefully make it more resilient/robust to out-of-order messages
  • Fixed some display issues with bookmarks dialog (more are coming)
  • Fixed crash that could occur while adding/removing songs from the Setlist overlay window
  • Fixed crash that could occur while importing chord pro files depending on the metadata within them
  • Fixed issue with annotations potentially shifting incorrectly when a page is first loaded
  • Added code to prevent crash when incorrect string data is received over a network or when reading a file


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