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Mobilesheets v4.0.19 crashes with android 4.2 but not with 4.1
I use an android tablet (Jellybean 4.2). The import of pdfs works fine. But when I want to create a new setlist the software crashes.
when I asked a friend who runs the same app on his android tablet (version 4.1) he told me that he doesn't have these problems.
So, what can I do?
Thanks for help....
I have an update coming out today that should hopefully address any problems you are seeing.

sorry, but the Problem isn't solved. after updating the APP mobilesheets still crashes when i want Tod create a setlist.
I'm really sorry to hear that you are still encountering this problem. What type of tablet do you have and what version of the Android OS are you running? I haven't received any crash reports on Google Play concerning this issue, so please submit one after the crash occurs so that I can debug it.


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