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Probleme Midi
Quand je demande après un message midi d’afficher la partition. 
Apres la réception du message, la partition s’affiche. Cela ne fonctionne que 2 ou 3 fois.
Il est impossible de recevoir le message. La connexion Midi n’est plus active.
Par contre, dans les connections midi j’ai réseau section 1
Je ne sais pas de ou vient cette connexion
You have not provided enough information for me to determine what the cause of your problem is. I would need the following:

1) What type of MIDI device are you using?
2) What version of MobileSheets are you running (listed under Settings->About)?
3) Are you connecting over USB, bluetooth or WiFi? 
4) If you go to the MIDI tab of the song editor, tap the last icon on the right to bring up the MIDI listen dialog, can you receive the message only once? Or do you keep receiving the message? This will tell us if you have a connectivity issue vs some kind of logic issue in the app
5) Are you trying to load different partitions when receiving different messages, or are you attempting to reload the same partition multiple times? Just be aware that if the partition is already loaded, it won't be loaded again. If you load the partition, then return to the library screen, then receive the MIDI message for that partition again, MobileSheets will ignore it I believe, because the partitions is already loaded and you can return to it by tapping the arrow icon in the floating toolbar.

The network session 1 allows you to connect over WiFi to MIDI devices that support that (using rtpMIDI).

Merci pour votre réactivité.
1° J’utilise un widimaster (en bluetooth)
2° Version IPAD 3.7.6
3° en bluetooth
4° en écoute Midi,  Il Fonctionne une fois après il est impossible de recevoir.
5° J’ai essayé avec d’autre partition, il fait le même problème
Dans connexion midi, le paramètre deviennent vide il ne reste que les deux cases a cochez. Si je redémarre mobilesheet ils reviennent a nouveau mais ils se suppriment très rapidement.  
Can you please test the MIDI connection in a standalone app (such as this one https://apps.apple.com/us/app/midispy/id1444652196) to see if the problem is with the WIDI Master? I have a WIDI master myself and I can use it just fine with a mio XM, but it doesn't work at all with my Yamaha S90 ES. So it really depends on the device you have it connected to.  You didn't mention what type of keyboard you are plugging the WIDI Master into. Also, did you make sure to update the firmware for the WIDI Master to the latest version? This is the app you can use to update the firmware: https://apps.apple.com/app/widimaster/id1530167387

J'ai bien regardé avec midispy aucun prolème.
C'est bien mobilesheet qui perturbe l'arrivé midi.
Well that's good news I suppose as it means there is no issue with the connectivity between your tablet and the WIDI Master.  What type of keyboard are you connecting to? I need to have a way to reproduce the issue in order to fix it. Also, what types of MIDI messages are you sending and/or receiving?

I just set up the following test:

1) Plugged my WIDI Master into my mioXM
2) Plugged a MPK mini into the mioXM and routing the connectivity between the two
3) Connected my iPad to the WIDI Master
4) I then see messages show up when I press keys on the MPK mini

I am seeing no connectivity issues at all over bluetooth. So I will need more detailed information about the MIDI device you are plugging the WIDI Master into, and whether you have updated the firmware for the WIDI Master, as that is very important. 

As a side note, I have also tested a KORG Microkey Air over bluetooth and experience no connectivity issues with that either. So I'm not seeing any issues in MobileSheets. 

J'ai un cavagnolo digit air millenium
Dans le programme j'envoie un message par registre
un message program change et un control change. 
J'ai la possibilité de choisir les code que je désire envoyer.

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