Microsoft Store

The Windows version of MobileSheets is available through the Microsoft Store. A 14-day trial can be installed once through the Microsoft Store to test out MobileSheets before purchasing. After purchasing, MobileSheets will automatically transition to the paid version and no further actions are required. The Windows version requires Windows 11 or Windows 10 version 1809 or higher.

Download on the Microsoft Store

Zubersoft FastSpring Store

If you are unable to purchase from one of the main app stores, your device does not support the Microsoft Store or you would prefer to purchase from Zubersoft directly, you can do so through the Zubersoft store. For businesses or large groups, volume discounts are available through the Zubersoft store. For most users, it is strongly recommended to use the Microsoft Store as users can install that version on all of their Windows devices with a single purchase (see note below). A single purchase can only be installed on multiple devices for personal use - each musician must purchase their own copy of MobileSheets.

NOTE: The Zubersoft Store version of MobileSheets requires one license per device. A license cannot be shared on multiple devices. If uninstalling or reinstalling the Windows version of MobileSheets, you must first deactivate the license in MobileSheets under Settings->About->View License->Uninstall or the next authentication attempt will fail. This does not apply to purchases made through the Microsoft Store.

Download on the Zubersoft FastSpring Store