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Companion Batch Import Auto-crop: aggressively not possible |
Posted by: peterkey - 05-23-2015, 02:45 AM - Forum: MobileSheets Companion
- Replies (4)
thank you for this wonderful program! If the 1.0.x Version already works this well, I´m really looking forward for future extensions.
One point:
It seems to me if I do a bulk import, auto-crop works only the normal, not-aggressive way. I see no checkbox for selecting "aggressively" as in the Song Editor.
Greetings from Germany,
Ms Pro random cropping problem |
Posted by: Cellist - 05-23-2015, 02:38 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (9)
I have 2 problems with MSPro:
1: triple tap to make annontations takes too long to open. This worked great in Beta, is frustrating now.
2: after making annontations or turning a page, suddenly the bar numbers are randomly cropped off, or the top of the page. This happens in both full screen or fit to page. And just as suddenly it is fine again on that same page. It meant that I suddenly couldn't read the notes on the top of a page during performance!! HUGE PROBLEM!! This never happened in Beta: that was super stable.
I miss beta!!
Failure when changing pages |
Posted by: marais - 05-23-2015, 01:36 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (9)
I noticed this bug already in the last version.
Just installed the 1.1 and it's still bugging.
If you use the page slider to go to an end of even a 20 page pdf file
- then go somewhere else
- then another place the little circle will spin indefinitely.
Only workaround for the time being is to quit the application and relaunch....
Must be a memory problem within the program I think? 
Just realized I started an unnecessary thread although on my version with Airturn attached there is still a problem :
Pen settings box |
Posted by: carrickp - 05-22-2015, 11:15 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (3)
Every time you touch the pen tool in annotation mode the pen settings box pops up. I see that you can move the box around to get it out of the way, but I still wish it didn't always appear. Of course, there should be a quick icon to bring it right back up if you need it.
This certainly isn't urgent, but would be nice.
Annotate song for specific setlist |
Posted by: FiddlerJeanne - 05-22-2015, 07:19 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Replies (5)
Warning: I'm new, and still trying to figure out how to organize everything. I think I've mostly figured it out, but:
Is there a way to add notes to a song for a particular setlist? Or something else that will serve the purpose? For example, I play the same tune with different groups, but when I'm playing with group A it's unison, then I play harmony, then my partner does but with Group B, I play only melody.
trouble with sort order |
Posted by: HF-band - 05-21-2015, 10:14 PM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (11)
I use titel formatting %custom% - %titel% (custom fileld holds a consecutive number) to look up all titels in number order by setting sort option = custom.
To quickly change the library screen to an alphabetic order I changed sort option to A-Z. But there is no big change in order.
I expected an alphabetic oder of the songs with disarranged numbers in front of the titels.
Additional the alphabet list is extended and shows A, AB, AB, AB, AB, AL, AL .... (multible entries).
How can I quickly switch in alphabetic order or/and see the alphybetic list with single letter?
Copy song, next page in PDF |
Posted by: bumblebee - 05-21-2015, 06:56 PM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Replies (5)
Is changing the page order (number) working correctly?
I am splitting up a multi page PDF, with one song per page.
My process is to Copy the (previous) song and change the page order number to the next page number. I would have thought the page view then would change to this next page after pressing ok, but it does not. Should it?
1.0.9 reset pedal actions |
Posted by: bumblebee - 05-21-2015, 06:34 PM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (2)
Mike can you check the Reset button for pedal settings?
If you clear them and play around with the settings a bit, then leave the keys cleared (or populated from airturn) then exit, then go back in and Reset, only the action for the pedals reset, the keys Up Down etc. are not reset to all the options originally showing (for all pedals).
Is this intentional or a bug?